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Trader Joe’s Is Selling Churro Bites, and People Are Obsessed

Every so often when I’m down in the subway waiting for my train, I see someone with a cart selling churros by the tracks. New Yorker’s know what I’m talking about! My friends and I had a debate earlier this week on whether or not we felt confident in buying those treats, but the results were split. Personally, I may not be down for underground churros, but I am down for these Churro Bites from Trader Joe’s. 

Churro Bites are crispy baked corn puffs coated with cinnamon and brown sugar—like a regular churro, by crispier and I guess, puffier. Like a cinnamon Cheeto! Trader Joe’s describes them as “golden nuggets of churro-riffic goodness.” 

The store describes them as “golden nuggets of churro-riffic goodness,” and if that’s not enough to make you sprint to your nearest Trader Joe’s, then maybe knowing that a 7-ounce bag of them is priced at just $2.49 will do the trick. You can find Churro Bites in the store’s snack aisle.

People who have been so kind to share their knowledge of these bites on Instagram have had positive reviews. One said that “the bag was almost empty by the time I got home from the store. 10/10 would recommend.” Another said, “Move over crack…there’s a new guy in town. Omg.” So yeah, these are pretty dang delicious.

You can find these in Trader Joe’s snack aisle—a 7 oz bag will run you $2.49. So run to the aisle, and enjoy your cinnamon “golden nuggets.” 

Former Associate Editor at Spoon University HQ.