
Tostitos Turned Your Favorite Bag of Chips Into a Breathalyzer

With the Super Bowl right around the corner, many are prepping seven-layer dips and stocking their fridges with their favorite brews. A night circulated around football, food, and drinks, it is surely a night to remember. This is why Tostitos is making moves to help this year's Super Bowl go blackout free. 

The perfect pair to your favorite dip, Tostitos just released a new line of their classic chips that has a breathalyzer built right in to the bag. The device works with a sensor that turns red if alcohol is traced on the breath and even offers a $10 Uber code to be used the night of the game.

Hoping to remove 25,000 cars from the streets on Super Bowl Friday, Frito Lay has high hopes for this innovation. Although both innovative and curious, this device is starting some controversy.

Several Police officials and news casts alike are making a good point — if you even have to blow into a chip bag to check your BAC, then surely getting behind the wheel is a no-go.  

Tostitos made a bold move this year by choosing not to advertise in this year's coveted Super Bowl advertisements; however, their efforts to stop drunk driving should be certainly applauded. Driving while under the influence is no matter to be joked with, whether it involves blowing into your closest chip bag or not.

Frito Lay's marketing officer stated, "We thought it was an opportunity to begin a conversation with consumers about drinking and driving, and about responsibility, in a really fun and engaging way."

Pulling from this, it is important to note that although this effort is functional, more of its purpose is to inform and reiterate the importance of not driving under the influence. So whether your tuning in to this year's Super Bowl for the game, the food, the drinks, or the company, remember to munch much and often, and grab a bag of these possibly life-saving snacks.