
Tips to Avoid Overeating and Losing That Food Baby

Everyone wishes they were still in middle school when they could eat their entire house, go over to their friend's house and polish of all their food, too, and then magically wake up with a flat tummy.

But those days are long over and your body now shows what you eat. I'm not saying you can't eat whatever you want, but with a few simple tips to avoid overeating, you can eat without feeling guilty afterward.

Tip 1: Only grab one plate or bowl.

The more plates and bowls you have, the easier it is to fill them all up without regard for the serving size. So many foods taste better when they are layered together. Separating your food is a thing of the past. Plus it's less dish washing. 

Tip 2: Make the one you grab a medium sized plate or bowl.  

The more room you have on your plate the more tempting it is to fill it up. Instead, go for a medium sized plate that you can fill up all the way without feeling overstuffed later.

Tip 3: You don't have to eat until you are stuffed.

Listen to your stomach. Once you get that feeling where you feel satisfied with the meal, that is your cue to put your spoon down. The overstuffed feeling will leave you bloated and you'll remember exactly what you ate the next day.

Tip 4: Eat slowly.

This is a simple, easy tip is so underrated, but one of the most helpful tips. Enjoying each bite allows your stomach to digest and process the food. It is so easy to scarf down huge quantities of food when you are hungry because you rush eating it. By the time you digest it, you are already regretting it!

So instead slow down because if you aren't eating something you want to savor, you are wasting calories! 

Tip 5: Eat with friends. T

his is a great way to make you stop between bites and talk, giving yourself time to digest and eat slowly. If you are eating in front of someone, you'll typically use better table manners than if you are alone. They say a meal is always enjoyed more with good company. 

Tip 6: Small bites.

This is easier when you are with others. That way even if you want to, you probably won't end up shoveling the food into your mouth.

Tip 7: Do you really need seconds? Probably not.

 I don't mean starve yourself, but most of the time, you reach for seconds because your food was so delicious  and you want more. Try thinking about it before you go up. Give yourself 10 minutes and then re-evaluate how hungry you still are.

Tip 8: Ask yourself: are you hungry or do you just want to eat?

This goes along with Tip 7. We all have those days (I have them usually every day) where we just want to eat for the delicious taste of food in our mouth.

But, if we really think about it, are we even hungry? Think of a food you really don't like but you would eat it if you had to. Are you that hungry that you want that food?

If not, maybe move away from the kitchen and go distract yourself with something else.

Tip 9: Drink a glass of water before your meal. Before sitting down with your plate of food, drink a glass of water. The water will make you feel more full so you'll need less food to feel satisfied without over-indulging. Plus, it will help your digestive track move along.  

Before sitting down with your plate of food, drink a glass of water. The water will make you feel more full so you'll need less food to feel satisfied without over-indulging. Plus, it will help your digestive track move along.  

These tips are something to keep in mind at your next meal and will help you to leave the table feeling much better.

It's hard to stop eating, especially when you are a #foodie. But the most important part is that you are eating more of the right foods that are high in nutrients and less of the bad foods that are low in nutrients and high in calories.