As an international student in America, I am always thinking the same kind of thoughts every single year. So much so that I knew for sure I wasn’t alone with some of my reactions to this national holiday that has people migrating all over the country. Although Thanksgiving is supposed to celebrate giving thanks, saying prayers, family time and whatnot, I certainly have a very different take on this important day.
One of the first things people tend to ask everyone around them is, ‘are you headed back home for Thanksgiving?’ Which of course brings up your routine ‘no’ face, as it would be both economically inappropriate and time-consuming to fly across the ocean just to come back again in a few days.

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But then there’s another dilemma. You’re not going home, but you’re hesitant about booking a trip elsewhere since tickets are just so expensive. It doesn’t matter if you want to travel by plane, train or car. Sad to say, you most likely end up where you started: your bed.

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What happens most of the time is you do friendsgiving all the time because all your American friends have gone home and you’re left with your international friends.

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Pre-thanksgiving also brings about a whole lot of special edition type items. Who knew there were so many types of turkeys and a whole lot of ways to cook them?

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The day before thanksgiving is also ‘migration day’ in your mind. It’s a horrible day where everyone is going everywhere so what do you do? Avoid people at all costs. This usually means you stay home and stuff your face with all the non-Thanksgiving food you can get your hands on.

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In some cases, all the trendy hot restaurants that you couldn’t get a reservation at have suddenly become available because everyone has ‘magically’ disappeared. But then, you’d be stuck eating there alone…

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So you feel sorry for yourself, and in the end, dream of the day one of your American friends invites you back home to celebrate with them.

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