
This Social Experiment Proves How Easy it is to Get Roofied at a Bar

I was almost roofied before. The first time was, surprisingly, at a men’s gay bar in Copenhagen while I was studying abroad.

My friend and I had accompanied a fellow classmate to this hip, prime downtown location. We were in the bar for maybe all of ten minutes before we ordered our drinks. Three mugs of beer slid across the bar to our waiting hands. I simply picked mine up and turned around.

It was like slow motion. I took one step away from the bar and watched as a small white pill plopped down onto the surface of my beer. It floated there, for what seemed like forever, fizzling through my beer.

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Go ahead, swish it around a little,” he whispered.

I immediately sprinted away, rounding the corner of the L-shaped bar and waited for my friends to catch up. Astonished and without a second thought, my friend grabbed the mug from my grasp and told the bartender what had just unfolded in front of my very eyes. They then quickly finished their beers, and we left.

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Although at the time it was an impossibly weird situation that was shrugged off as what would become a crazy abroad story, I now realize how incredibly lucky I was. Not only did I have good friends that wanted nothing more than to protect me, but I was also able to prevent something that would have changed my life in the most unimaginable way ever.

When I saw this social experiment conducted by YouTuber Joey Salads, I was shocked. It was that easy? Was I the only one who didn’t realize this? Was I so naïve to believe my experience in Cope was just another story from my four months in Denmark?

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This is why I am sharing this video with all of you. To my fellow ladies out there: be careful and watch your drink closely. Date rape is easy, it’s real, and it can happen to anyone. Be careful next time you’re at the bar.

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