By now, you may have noticed a new kind of water appearing on the shelves of Whole Foods and Trader Joe’s next to your favorite (or not-so-favorite) coconut water. That new trendy boxed water is maple water.
What is maple water? It is the pure maple sap collected from — you guessed it — maple trees.
How does this new trending water stack up against its competitor, coconut water? Below we’ve rated each drink based on various categories with their pros and cons.
Health Claims:

Photo by Gabby Phi
Maple Water: A low-calorie drink that is very hydrating and includes various and plentiful vitamins, nutrients, and polyphenols, some of which promote thyroid and bone health.
Coconut Water: Has been seen as a great post-workout drink due to its hydrating and electrolyte-ridden nature. Coconut water is also known to have many nutrients and as a great alternative to more “synthetic” workout recovery beverages.

Photo courtesy of
Maple Water: Surprisingly sweet and refreshing and gets a 10/10 for taste in my opinion
Coconut Water: A flavor that many people don’t like at first sip. Definitely coconut-y in flavor as well as a little less sweet and maybe a slightly salty taste if you go unflavored and unsweetened

Graphic by Lizzie Snyder
Trendiness/Style points:

GIF courtesy of
Maple Water: New kid on the block cool status—not everyone knows about it yet and the bottles are sleek and modern looking boxed waters
Coconut Water: Most of the coconut water boxes are not as sleek as the Maple Water new designs, but you give off that tropical or Cali cool vibe when you carry a box around

GIF courtesy of
Maple Water: Approximately $4 and up.
Coconut Water: Approximately $3 and up.

Photo courtesy of Steve Remich on The Wall Street Journal
Maple Water: DRINKmaple, Vertical, Happy Tree, Sealand Birk, Trader Joe’s brand
Coconut Water: Zico, Vita Coco, O.N.E., Harmless Harvest, Coco Libre
Opinion—How do they stack up?:

Photo courtesy of
Maple Water: Wins in my book 100%. Through the combination of lower calories, less sugar, more nutrients and overall taste – Maple Water is #1
Coconut Water: Will always have a place in my heart (and diet)
Don’t get us started on aloe water or cactus flower water or whatever else can produce ~trendy~ water…