Warm weather is right around the corner, which means it’s finally time to spice up your day with a refreshing cup of iced coffee. Do you think your signature Starbucks chilled drink is as good as it gets? Think again. These iced coffees from around the world will make you want to jump on a plane tomorrow.
Key West: Cuban Café Con Leche Iced

Photo courtesy of saltandwind.com
If you’re not willing to hop on a plane to go through the many steps of entering Cuba legally, Key West is your best bet for authentic Cuban coffee. Three words sum up the iconic café con leche – strong, sweet, and smooth. This heavy dose of espresso, sugar, and whole milk poured over ice is a great addition to any Cuban croquettes.
Brazil: Mocha Cola

Photo courtesy of Amber Wilson on coca-colacompany.com
Cold-brewed coffee meets root beer float. This cool and fizzy drink adds a unique twist as cola replaces the sweetness you would normally get from creamer. Top it off with a dollop of whipped cream or ice cream.
Ireland: Brown Sugar Iced Coffee

Photo courtesy of blog.williams-sonoma.com
If you want to treat yourself after a long day, or prepare for a long night, this drink is perfect for you. Balance the bitterness of iced black coffee with melted brown sugar mixed with heavy cream. Take it to the next level by adding a shot of Irish whiskey.
Sweden: Kaffelemonad

Photo courtesy of Anna Brones on annabrones.com
You guessed it – coffee lemonade. This refreshment is sure to satisfy your summer sweet tooth. The best part about it is that you can make as many different versions as you want. Simply mix lemon juice in your iced coffee, or get creative by adding tonic water, lemon zest syrup, or coffee ice cubes.
Greece: Frappé

Photo courtesy of Stella Tsolakidou on greekreporter.com
Shake things up with this traditional iced drink made of sugar, ice, water, and spray dried coffee all in a cocktail shaker or hand mixer. Kick back and relax with this easy-to-make drink topped off with thick foam and a straw.
Vietnam: Sweetened Condensed Milk Iced Coffee

Photo courtesy of Sarah Coates on thesugarhit.com
Known for their strong brew, Vietnamese iced coffee is best paired with sweetened condensed milk. Surprisingly, some recipes call for eggs, yogurt, or butter and cheese to be mixed in with the coffee. Build up your tolerance to this unique blend by starting with sweet meringue or egg whites.
Los Angeles: Iced Almond Macademia-Milk Latte

Photo courtesy of Nicole McQuade on SomeKitchenStories.com
We’ve been around the world, and now it’s time to end at the home of possibly the best iced latte in America. The all-natural flavors of fresh macadamia milk and espresso are poured over ice in a chilled Mason jar. This dessert-like drink is designed to satisfy you without being weighed down by heavy creams.