
This Is the Food You Should Be Putting on Your Face, According to Your Skin Type

It’s important to take care of our skin. Whether you have a daily regiment or not, you should know how to take care of it and what to put on it. There are five pretty common skin types that people tend to have: normal, oily, dry, combination and sensitive. A lot of things factor into your skin type. It can be affected by water content, oil content and sensitivity level. Usually, people know what type of skin they have; for example, I have really dry skin. This is important to know because different skin types need different treatment when it comes to your face.


If your skin is normal, it means it has a nice balance of oil production and you probably don’t get a lot of breakouts. Congrats, you suck you’re so lucky. Your face mask options are probably more open for variety than the rest of the skin types so you should really go for it.

Egg and Coffee Face Mask

Photo by Nicole Witte

The coffee acts as a facial scrub while the egg tightens your skin for a young and fresh feeling. You can even use already brewed coffee grounds which means you can drink your favorite coffee and then wear it.

Honey, Olive Oil and Oatmeal

Photo by Nicole Witte

Maybe your face feels young and fresh already so you don’t need tightening, you just want a nice natural exfoliant mask. The oats let you exfoliate your face while the honey and oil are there to moisturize and heal your skin.


Oily skin often can have large pores, blackheads, and pimples from the excess oil your skin produces. The larger your pores are, the easier they become clogged. You need something that absorbs the oil and pulls out the gunk that is causing those blemishes.

Egg White and Honey Mask

Photo by Nicole Witte

The egg whites will have a drying out effect that will tighten and tone your skin. The oats are there to absorb the oil and simultaneously exfoliate any dead skin on your face that might lead to extra pore clogging. The honey is there to help heal your skin, in fact, it’s actually a pretty great facial addition.

Lemon Apple Mask

Photo by Nicole Witte

The apple will help exfoliate your skin while also removing excess oil. The sage has a similar effect to the egg whites – it will help tighten your skin and close your pores. The lemon will help fight blackheads, skin moisturizer and brightener.


If your skin is dry, you don’t want to use anything that will drain moisture the way an oil-fighting face mask would. Also, shouts to all us out there because dry skin can hurt – I feel you.

Avocado and Honey

Photo by Nicole Witte

Avocados are not only one of the best foods to eat, but also to put on your face if it’s very dry. The oils in avocados will sink into your pores and you’ll get a deep rehydration experience. The honey is there because, again, it has a lot of great skin benefits. Just mix a ripe avocado and a tablespoon of honey and leave it on your face for about 15 minutes and then rinse. I personally condone this one because I’ve used it a bunch of times and I love it.

Banana Mask

Photo by Nicole Witte

Incredibly simple and it’s pretty likely that you already have a banana at home to use. Just mash it up and apply to your face. After 10-15 minutes, rinse it off with cold water. The potassium and vitamin A in bananas help to hydrate, moisturize and heal dry skin and also helps with acne scars or spots. The bananas also have anti-aging effects to help fight wrinkles from forming.


This can be tough to navigate because you have both oily and dry skin in different areas. This is why food DIY masks are so great because they often contain natural remedies with multiple benefits.

Banana, Honey and Oatmeal

Photo by Nicole Witte

This mask works because the honey and banana will moisturize your dry skin. The honey will also work in tandem with the oatmeal which will exfoliate deep into your pores as the honey kills off bacteria in your skin.

Egg White and Yogurt

Photo by Nicole Witte

Similar to the previous mask, this one contains both hydration and pore-tightening benefits. The egg combats your oily skin while the yogurt moisturizes the dryer areas.


Sometimes sensitive and dry skin go hand-in-hand. But also, you might just be more sensitive to chemicals in facial products which is why you should turn to natural face masks to soothe inflammation and redness.

Yogurt, Honey and Cocoa Powder

Photo by Nicole Witte

This is good for sensitive skin because in addition to honey’s healing benefits, the cocoa powder helps to fight sun damage while the yogurt is a natural exfoliant that shouldn’t bother your skin the way cleanses with chemicals might.

Nutmeg, Honey and Cinnamon

Photo by Nicole Witte

As we know, honey rocks. The nutmeg in this will act as a natural exfoliant as well as reduce any redness or blemishes on your face while the cinnamon works its antibacterial magic.

Maybe try to make some sort of snack to eat with leftover ingredients? Or just store them for later face mask usage. Do whatever feels right.

Into your skin care? Check these out: