
These Sweet Potato Crackers Are the Best Snack in Costco Yet

Costco is the most wonderful foodie playground in existence. At this point, it's become like a second home to me, since I spend a good chunk of my week in there, and I'm not ashamed to admit it. There's nothing like scouring the Costco aisles for healthy, new products to try. Because this wholesale market is constantly changing up the goods they sell, it's common to find a new item you've never seen before every single time you go. The excitement!

A few months ago, the new item I happened to find ended up changing my the best way. I'm a huge fan of dipping anything into hummus, especially crackers. But it can get a little tiring to constantly dip the same whole-grain crackers in hummus as a snack every day because you can't seem to find other ones that are as nutrient-dense, right? That's why I was so happy to find RW Garcia 3 Seed Sweet Potato Crackers during my Costco shopping trip.

As Sweet As Its Name

If you've tried sweet potatoes, you know they're basically a sweet, delicious version of their cousins, the famous white potatoes. Live up to their name, right? So, of course, you can expect these sweet potato chips to bring the savory, since they are salted crackers, but also bring the sweetness, with the sweet potatoes' natural sugar-like flavor calling your attention as soon as they reach your tongue. They're also super crunchy and filling, and complement a rich hummus or guacamole bowl perfectly. 

According to the box, one serving is equivalent to 16 crackers, but you can best bet that I doubled (and maybe even tripled) that number because they are too good to just limit yourself to 16. Nobody has time for that kind of negativity in their life. 

Brings the Flavor...And the Nutrients

Besides being extremely tasty, the number one reason why I love these crackers so much is because they come loaded with nutrients your body will thank you for. These aren't your typical nutrient-lacking, highly-salted crackers that will dehydrate you and only keep you full for half an hour. No, friends. These crackers are packed with great sources of fiber, whole grains, plant-based protein, and healthy fats, giving you the energy you need to continue pushing through your day post snack-time. And, best of all, this company keeps the sodium level low at 50 milligrams per serving, compared to many other common cracker brands which can go way beyond 400. 

The excellent ingredient list for these crackers reads as follows:

Stone ground yellow corn, sweet potato, sunflower or corn oil, black sesame seeds, brown flaxseeds, chia seeds, sea salt.

Don't Be Basic

It's easy to just pop them in your mouth and call it a snack. Trust me, I've done it! However, I'm all about getting creative with your healthy snacks. Food boredom? You won't find that here! Try using these as vehicles to grab as much of your favorite dips as possible in one scoop; I'm addicted to hummus and guacamole, but you can also pair them with a delicious cashew cheese, cream cheese, egg salad, or even almond butter. 

If you want to go all out for a party and surprise your friends, top them with a cube of your favorite cheese and some grapes, or spread an even layer of cream cheese on top and top with all the celery and chive. Whatever way you eat them, I can guarantee you it'll be divine.

RW Garcia 3 Seed Sweet Potato Crackers can be found at your local Costco (while supplies last!), and you may also use their store locator to see if they're at another store near you. If online shopping is your thing, Amazon is here to help. And don't forget to check out their other flavors while you're at it...I heard their sweet beet crackers are scrumptious.