
These Photos of Animals Eating Food Will Brighten Your Day

Huge shout out to these little buddies for showing us what it looks like to truly love food. We should all try to channel their enthusiasm every once in a while—savoring meals would be much more fun.

The Ice Cream-Smooching Piggy

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This little piggy didn’t go the market, didn’t stay home, didn’t have roast beef, and did’t have none. This little piggy…currently, has it ALL. Smooch your ice cream. Smooch it. Spread the love.

The Pizza-Loving Puppy

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I pledge allegiance, to the pizza… (that’d be a much easier verse to remember).

The Food-Bowl-Bathing Bulldog

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Long day? Can’t decide whether or not to eat or take a nap? (Hellooooo daily struggles, am I right?)  This lil’ pup has mastered both. Sleep-vs-hunger struggle = eliminated.

The Milk-Worshiping Kitty

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Don’t tell me the cereal milk after you’ve finished that bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch isn’t the absolute best part.

The Majorly-Munching Mouse

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Basically anyone’s reaction to the words snack and time spoken in the same sentence.

The Sleep-Eating Doggy #sweetdreams #literally

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So tired. So hungry. Is sleep eating a thing? This could be dangerous.

The “Eyes-on-the-Prize” Technique Turtle

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Eyes on the prize. Slow and steady wins the race. Almost. There.

The Followin’ the Breadcrumbs (non-Hansel/Gretel style) Hamster

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On those days when you’re a bottomless pit? Who needs buffets? Eeeeeeeeendlessssssss trails of candy will do.

The Monkeying Around Strategy

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Causally chillin. Causally shoving food to the face. Pretty much what happens when you cut up that perfectly juicy, sweet, crunchy watermelon.

The Bite-Swiping Seagull

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Just a little taste? A little nibble? Riiiiiiight THERE. Anything for a donut. (PSA protect your food, people)

The Epic Leftover-Preservering Squirrel

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Food so good you wanna store some for later? Here’s the technique.

The Sharing is Caring Dog/Bird Combo

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Birds are friends and not food, too. Cue *awwwwwwww*.

The Dessert Delighted Dog

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Did someone say dessert?? Delighted may be an understatement. This here pup exemplifies the only appropriate reaction for when dessert is served.

Sadly we have reached the end of this adorable and epic round up of animals eating food. It’s okay to be currently contemplating veganism. These buddies are too dang cute. #smoochyouricecream #pledgeallegiancetopizza #snacktime #endlesscandy #HELLOdessert

Lastly, please just watch this.

Animals and food