If you’re a foodie, you would already know that the only thing on our mind 24/7 is food. We guys can find food references in everything around us. Poems, for example. Now, who would’ve imagined such an interpretation of poems’ titles?
These poems might be about love, inspiration, heartbreak, or anything else which is not even closely related to food. But one look at these titles would make a hungry foodie’s imagination run into a completely different direction.
As a foodie, what would come to your mind if you read these poem titles? Would The Road Not Taken remind you of an unexplored food lane too?
Read to find out which other poem titles made it to my list.
1. Dream Within A Dream – Edgar Allan Poe

Photo by Sophie Clingan-Darack
My favourite molten chocolate filled donut. It’s making me dreamy already.
2. I Am Shut Out Of Mine Own Heart – Christopher Brennen

GIF courtesy of Buzzfeed.com
Those days when I’m craving something only a particular shop sells, only to find that shop closed for the day.
3. A Blue Valentine – Joyce Kilmer

Photo by Hannah Lin
So what if you’re single on Valentine’s Day? Let food be your blue valentine.
4. Those Winter Days – Robert Hayden

Photo by Paavani Jain
Those winter days…when all I want by my bedside is a hot cup of my favourite coffee.
5. Frost At Midnight – Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Photo by Amanda Shulman
It’s midnight, and I want my favourite ice cream. And my favourite flavour only; nothing else would do.
6. The Road Not Taken – Robert Frost

Photo courtesy of Flickr.com
There are still so many lanes full of food outlets still left unexplored. And yes, that is what will make all the difference.
7. What Do Women Want? – Kim Addonizio

Photo by Haley Goldsmith
Dear men, the way to some women’s heart might just be through their stomach. It’s time you learn how to cook too.
Or maybe, they just want lots of chocolates.
8. The Goblet of Life – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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Wine! The goblet of life, quite literally.
9. There Was A Man Who Lived A Life Of Fire – Stephen Crane

Photo courtesy of Flickr.com
This could be the title of a poem on some chef. Don’t you agree?
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