
How to Turn Being Home for the Holidays into a Drinking Game

As finals destroy our immune systems, sleep patterns, GPAs, and dreams, we must focus on the following points: grades don’t really matter (okay maybe they do, but for the sake of my well-being, let’s pretend), you won’t have to worry about shit when you’re home, and you’ll be HOME for the holidays, where your mom will both nag you and feed you endlessly.

Coming home for the holidays means dealing with incessant questions, eating yourself into a food coma, cuddling with your bae (or dog) family bickering/drama, pesky younger siblings, high school flashbacks, and more that’ll make you want to pull your hair out.

So being the degenerative college kids we are, why not make a drinking game to cope with these annoyances that come with being home for the holidays?

Take a sip

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Take two sips

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Take a shot

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Looking for some more quick ways to get yo drank on? Here you go: