
The Ultimate Guide to the Perfect College Friendsgiving

Some people might say it's a social gathering, others might use it as an excuse to feast twice - either way, Friendsgiving is cause for celebration. Nearly its own separate holiday, Friendsgiving is a time to eat, drink, and be merry before the official feasts of Thanksgiving commence.  

With Halloween a distant memory and the scents and flavors of Thanksgiving beckoning our way through the month of November, the promises of Thanksgiving food are what pushes us on towards the break. 

As an overview, here are seven key tips and tricks to keep in mind before celebrating with your friends for the perfect college Friendsgiving. 

Designate Who Will Be the Host

Trust me, this role is essential. The host has two primary jobs. First, they are responsible for coordinating who will bring what. Otherwise, your Friendsgiving feast will consist of ten variations of green bean casserole and five types of mashed potatoes. Second, the host is only responsible for providing the turkey. It's basically the golden rule of Friendsgiving.  

Don’t like Turkey? Try a Rotisserie Chicken

Even the culinary wizards of the world will tell you that cooking a turkey can be a lot of work. If you’re in college, on a budget, or simply just don’t have the time, try substituting a frozen turkey for rotisserie chicken. You don’t have to skimp on this signature dish! Tip for the trade: Costco rotisserie chicken comes highly recommended.

Avoid Bringing Pre-made Food

Friendsgiving, just as traditional Thanksgiving, is a time to enjoy the comforts of a home-cooked meal. Don’t be the person who shows up with the Food-Lion brand macaroni salad and the pumpkin pie that was made three weeks ago. 

Show Off Your Cooking Skills

The hours of Tasty videos you watched instead of doing homework was not in vain! Whether you go crazy on Pinterest or recreate a family recipe handed down for generations, now is the time to shine. 

You Can Never Have Too Many Sides

We all know sides are Go ahead, volunteer to bring two, three, maybe even four sides. You and your friends won't regret it. 

Designate Someone to Create a Friendsgiving Playlist

Don’t forget to cook up a festive playlist to set the mood as you all gather for the splendid occasion. 

Before you head home for break, take the time to gather with friends, make some memories, and eat delicious food. Afterall, why would you not want to celebrate Thanksgiving more than once?