
The Ultimate Guide to Supplements for the Ailing College Student

Back at home, I used to never get sick. My immune system was indestructible and I don’t remember the last time I had fallen illthat is, until I got to college. I don’t think more than a week passed by during my first semester where I wasn't either sniffling, coughing, or felt like I was lying on my deathbed, and the same seemed to be true for everyone around me. I wish that I had had at that time, a guide to supplements or something to help me through those miserable, sick periods. 

College is tough on the body, especially for freshmen. A whole new environment, close proximity to roommates, communal bathrooms, and questionable dining hall food. On top of all the physical changes, college students’ mental health is also a growing concern. Being put into new social situations on top of a tough school life AND being away from family can take a toll on your mental state—this much is apparent as increasing numbers of college students are reporting feelings of depression and anxiety.

Many natural health supplements can help fight off these ailments (when taken with your doctor’s discretion of course). Say goodbye to long waits at the Tang Center and frequent visits to Walgreens for your weekly supply of DayQuil. This guide to supplements will have your immune system thriving and stress levels under control. 


An ancient medicinal herb that has recently gained popularity in the West, Ashwagandha manages the stress in your body by reducing levels of cortisol—the hormone that leads to anxiety, impaired metabolism, and even potential weight gain. Ashwagandha also reduces blood sugar levels, increases muscle mass and strength, has anti-cancer properties, and is an easy and effective way to improve your health and general quality of life.


A healthy gut contributes to a strong immune system, brain health, improved mood, healthy sleep patterns, and effective digestion. A high-sugar diet, unhealthy sleeping habits, and stress—all common amongst college students—leads to poor gut health. Adding a probiotic to your diet may be a great way to improve gut health, promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria and leading to a happier and healthier stomach.

Vitamin D

While most vitamins are found in foods, Vitamin D is produced in the skin when it absorbs sunlight. About 41.6% of Americans don’t get enough Vitamin D, and this deficiency leads to chronic inflammation, calcium deficiencies, poor bone health, increased risks of cancer, and even depression. A good Vitamin D supplement can help improve overall health and your future self will thank you for your strong and healthy bones.

Fish Oil

Not nearly as nasty as these pills may sound, a daily dose of fish oil provides you with the essential omega-3 fatty acids that are not always found in the foods we eat. Taking this supplement regularly has been linked to lower blood pressure and cholesterol, clearer arteries, and better skin—basically, it improves most bodily functions and is essential for an overall state of good health.

College and life throw a lot at you, but taking care of your physical and mental health should always be your #1 priority. Taken consistently, these 4 supplements can completely change your life, allowing you to make the most of your college experience.