The Office is undoubtedly one of the best shows of all time. That is just a fact. The ensemble of characters is unparalleled. There is my soulmate, Jim Halpert; my spirit animal, Kelly Kapoor; the painfully awkward but incredibly lovable Michael Scott; Pam, Phyllis, Kevin, Stanley, Ryan, Toby, Angela, Andy, Creed, Erin, Meredith, Holly, Oscar, Darryl, and DWIGHT K. SCHRUTE, the list goes on and on.
Based off of a BBC show with the same title (which is equally as amazing), The Office ran for 9 seasons on NBC, brought A-list stars Steve Carrell, John Krasinski, and Mindy Kaling (and many more) into our lives, and is now streaming on Netflix and just waiting to be binge watched over and over.
As we learned from my Game of Thrones drinking game, the best way to binge is with friends and with booze.

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What You’ll Need:
- A sippable drink
- The liquor of your choice
- Some friends to drink with (or go solo if you’re brave!)
When to Drink:
1. Take a sip every time we are #blessed with a Jim Face to the camera.

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2. Take 3 sips every time Kelly is completely oblivious to Ryan’s actual feelings (AKA annoyed AF).

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3. Take a shot if Jim pulls a full-on prank on Dwight. Bonus points if it’s a Jell-O shot and you’re watching the pilot.

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4. Take a sip when Dwight is classically Dwight-ish (examples: talks about being assistant to the regional manager, mentions his beet farm, fails at pranking Jim, awkwardly loves Michael, etc.).

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5. Waterfall during Jim and Pam sexual tension.

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6. Take a sip anytime Andy hits on a co-worker. Bonus sip if it’s awkwardly unsuccessful, and another bonus sip if he does it in song.

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7. Say “Cheers!” and take a sip along with anyone else on the show, whether its coffee, water, or alcohol. Bonus points if you fall off of your chair along with Pam in The Dundies.

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8. Take a shot if Michael says his infamous “That’s what she said!” line. Finish your drink if any other character says it.

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9. Take a sip when Pam answers the phone with “Dunder Mifflin, this is Pam.”

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10. Take a sip every time the camera spies on the characters without their knowledge.

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11. Finish your drink if all the characters are rounded up into the conference room.

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12. Take a sip every time Michael makes an inaccurate reference or misuses a word.

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Hope you enjoyed this boozy trip to Scranton, PA. Depending on how many episodes you watched, you might be nursing a bit of a hangover tomorrow, but hopefully it was worth it.

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