
The Top 10 Foods for a Healthy Finals Care Package

Finals season is fast approaching, and we all know what that means: late night study sessions, furious essay writing, and stress eating to the max. The perfect solution? A healthy finals care package that will leave you feeling full and energized, no matter how much sleep you got (or didn't get) the night before. 

Try to have some of these healthy snacks on hand for when you're studying. Parents, send them in a care package to your stressed college kids. My fellow classmates, treat yo self. These foods taste good, and healthy eating leads to a healthy brain, and a healthy brain is key to acing your exams. 

1. Peanut Butter

Dining hall food can be a little disgusting. You might not be getting your daily protein intake because the mystery meat at lunch was just too gross. In that case, peanut butter is your solution! You can put it on anything from apples and bananas to rice cakes and crackers for a quick and delicious protein boost to keep away those mid-study hunger pangs. 

2. Raisin/Craisins/Any Dried Fruit That Strikes Your Fancy

You're supposed to eat 3-4 servings of fruit a day, and most of us are falling pretty short. The answer? Dried fruit. It provides  much-needed vitamins, is easy to toss in your bag for a quick snack, and is sweet enough to curb sugar cravings. Also, some super fruits like blueberries and acai berries might even help increase memory and brain power.

3. Nuts

For easy to eat snacks that will fill you up, bring handfuls of nuts with you on your studying journey. Almonds are a great lower fat choice, but cashews and pistachios are also delicious. You can find all kinds of varieties, including cocoa dusted almonds and sriracha cashews. Eat them roasted, raw, flavored, or any other way your heart desires. 

4. Dried Edamame 

If nuts aren't really you're thing (or you know, you're allergic), check out some dried edamame. They generally comes flavored with sea salt, but there are other fun flavors like spicy wasabi. It's a great replacement for the delicious but generally greasy bag of chips that you really wanted to grab. You should still watch how much edamame you eat, but it's a definite improvement. 

5. Goldfish

OK, OK, I know, Goldfish aren't SUPER healthy, but they are better than chips. Pick up a bag of whole grain goldfish—I actually think they taste better anyway. They do have a high sodium content, so if that's a concern for you, be wary. Just keep to the serving size by packing up individual bags of your fishies to keep from eating the entire bag in one go (it's possible, I've done it). 

6. Dark Chocolate

OK, I promise that I'm not crazy. Chocolate isn't good for you in large quantities because of the high sugar and fat content. However, some scientific studies have shown that small amounts, a super dark chocolate can actually be good for you. We're talking like 60 percent cacao, rich, dreamy stuff. The cocoa flavanols can help lower cholesterol and blood pressure, and help your memory. See you guys later, I have to go stuff my face with extra dark chocolate. 

7. Herbal Tea 

I literally survive on coffee during finals, like, to a point where it might not be healthy. But tea can really pack a punch, too. Some teas, like chamomile, can help to reduce stress. Others, like peppermint or green tea can help increase alertness and cognitive function. If you're looking for a hot drink that won't make you jittery after the fifth cup, try out some tea. 

8. Kind Bars or Lara Bars

When you're running to the library and need to grab a quick bite to eat, try a Lara Bar or a Kind bar. Both companies focus on simple ingredients that taste good for a healthy snack. And both are a better alternative to the average granola bar, that is filled with extra sugar and preservatives. 

9. Popcorn

Popcorn without the movie theatre butter is actually pretty good for you, who knew? Without a lot of toppings, popcorn is low in calories and high in fiber, so it beats out chips by a lot. Grab yourself some Skinny Pop or Boomchickapop for a lil crunch that's fun to eat and easy to share. 

10. Granola/Energy Balls

If you want a quick, sweet snack, granola or energy balls are the move. You can buy granola, but make sure to carefully check the ingredients, as it might have more sugar than you were planning on consuming. To sidestep this problem, try this super easy recipe to make your own granola, or take it a step further and make some energy balls, like these peanut butter chocolate chip ones or these blueberry muffin energy balls. Single serving, healthy, and delightful—what more could you ask for? 

Finals week is a hella stressful time, and it's important that you take care of your mind and your body throughout. Keep your stress level low(er) by putting good stuff into your body and you'll be sure to put good stuff out.