
The Top 20 Secrets From People Who Never Get Sick

Everyone in your office is sniffling and sneezing, except that one person who never seems to take a sick day. What is their secret? It could be luck, but odds are the person in question is working hard year-round to build a healthy immune system.

The immune system defends the body from invading organisms and works to protect it from disease, sickness, and other damaging foreign bodies. When the immune system is working properly, all cells, tissues, and organs should be strong enough to fight off infection.

But building a healthy immune system doesn’t happen overnight. You must live a healthy lifestyle, take your vitamins, maintain a healthy PH balance, exercise, and detox regularly.

Did you know “a surprising number and variety of physical problems and diseases can be caused by the problem of foods that are acid-producing after digestion (Trans4mind)?” This is why it’s important to keep a healthy PH balance.

Being exposed to the cold virus is just the beginning. Eventually it can get worse, resulting in the flu or a something more traumatic such as sensorineural hearing loss, pneumonia or Reye Syndrome.

It’s all up to you. If you want to avoid getting sick you need to put in the work to toughen your immune system. Follow these 20 secrets from people who never get sick and build your way to a sick-free year.

Get a massage

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Those who never get sick usually go for frequent massages. They reduce stress and anxiety, minimize headaches, heal sport injuries, lower blood pressure and heart rate, and help build immunity. Swedish massages help relax and energize you; deep massages help with muscle damage; sports massages help prevent and treat injuries; and trigger point massages focus on areas of tight muscle fibers (Mayo Clinic).

Wash your hands

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Keeping your hands clean is one of the most important things you can do to avoid getting sick. We touch bacteria-infested surfaces all day long and are constantly spreading germs to others. Therefore, one of the easiest ways to reduce the chance of infection is to wash your hands. Make sure you don’t forget your fingernails and forearms!


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People who never get sick usually have a positive social network around them. Having good friends is very good for your health. According to the Mayo Clinic, friends increase your sense of belonging and purpose,boost your happiness, reduce your stress, improve your self-confidence, help you cope with traumas, and encourage you to change or avoid unhealthy lifestyle habits. That being said, make your friends a priority and make sure you are a good friend to them as well.

Cold showers

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Taking cold showers is one of the most common secrets from people who never get sick. You may see it as a dreadful activity, but it has incredible health benefits. Cold showers help reduce migraines, boost recovery after a workout, increase mood, improve circulation, strengthen immunity, and reduce pain.

Take your vitamins

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Looking to steer clear of the dreadful flu going around your workplace? Take your vitamins daily. It’s almost impossible to consume all of the nutrients your body needs on a daily basis, which is why you should take a multivitamin supplement daily. If you happen to get sick, consider vitamin C supplements and zinc lozenges. According to WebMD, “studies show that vitamin C can reduce the duration of a cold by as much as 24 to 36 hours.” While zinc has been proven to shorten the length of your cold.

Eat more garlic

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Garlic is rich in antioxidants, which help boost immunity. That being said, “garlic is a powerful antioxidant with antimicrobial, antiviral, and antibiotic properties. For colds and flus, it also provides decongestant and expectorant effects (The Chalkboard). For health benefits, just peel off the garlic’s “paper,” crush it, and eat it raw.

Positive attitude

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People who never get sick think positive and have optimism.  Handling life’s curve balls with a positive attitude will help avoid unnecessary stress that could potentially make you sick. Looking on the bright side will help you cope easier and avoid worrying. Positive people are more motivated. They tend be healthier than negative people and enjoy life much more than those who focus on the negative aspects of it.

Take probiotics

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According to Prevention, “approximately 60% to 70% of your entire immune system is located in your gut.” Probiotics are “good” bacteria; they help keep your stomach healthy. If you suffer from digestion issues, doctors usually suggest probiotic supplements to help balance the good and bad bacteria in your body. They also help with allergies, mental health illnesses, neurological disorders, oral health, and skin conditions.


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Lack of sleep impairs our immune system and makes us more prone to illness. According to Reader’s Digest, “it’s been shown that lack of sleep causes weight gain, leads to a compromised immune system, and increases the production of cortisol, a hormone that triggers stress.” This is why people who never get sick take naps. Napping — as well as a good night’s sleep — help protect you from germs. After a nap you will feel alert, awake, relaxed, and will notice an improvement in memory.


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Article originally appeared on The Active Times.

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