
The Struggle of Trying to Get Fit, as Told by Jennifer Aniston

As Spring Break is now passes us, and we all know the struggle (& few achievements) of getting that Instagram-worthy bikini bod. These are just a few of the thoughts and experiences that me and my friends had getting our SB Bod this winter season.

When you realize you are going to take photos in a bikini, and you still haven’t started your diet

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Why can’t I just snap my fingers and look like a Victoria Secret model?

And your favorite foods are definitely not a part of your diet

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Chocolate comes from a bean, therefore it is a vegetable… So I can eat it as a part of my daily vegetables on my diet.

And so you go grocery shopping and see freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies

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One cookie isn’t that bad for you, is it? *eats whole dozen*

So someone recommends trying to exercise more

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Exercise… It can’t really be that hard, can it?

But then you realize you would have to walk almost 35 miles to burn just 1 pound of fat

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I. Never. Knew. I. Was. So. Out. Of. Shape.

So someone recommends lowering your portion sizes

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How is this ever going to fill me up?

And then your friend asks you to go to Mylk’s Cookies to sabotage you

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I’m gonna say no, but deep, deep down, I really want a cookie… But I can’t do it. Think “Spring Break Bod.”

And you finally have the willpower to say no

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Mentally regretting not eating the cookie, physically glad I didn’t eat the cookie.

But then a week later, you can’t take it anymore so you try to cave

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Chocolate! Chocolate! Where’s the sweets?

But your friend catches you before you can

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So you try to play it off like it wasn’t for you. It was for a “friend”

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Well “my friend” sent me to the store to pick up her food because she is very sick and can’t get out of bed…. (yeah, sounds about right).

Now you are one month in and you can already tell a difference

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*checks out self in mirror post shower* Damn, I look GOOD.

And now your friends are the one’s who haven’t started their diets yet

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I’m really only here for you because I know that I am gonna look better than you in a bikini.

And so you tell them “you still have time” (lol JK)

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Better late than never, right?

But you know that it’s too late, so you are starting to feel really good about yourself

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Maybe they can catch up.. Probably not. *hair flip*

And then vacation finally rolls around, and you look GOOD

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Work it girl! Bring on the camera.

So bring on the Instagram photos

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Can’t wait to showcase my new bod on social media for all of my exes to see.

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