
Who Decided to Call Them "Slutty Brownies?"

Slutty isn't usually a word used to describe food. But if you think about it, there are a lot of reasons why this adjective would make perfect sense, especially for a dessert as sweet as slutty brownies. But it describes something that's easy, quick, and enjoyed by lots of people. The word slutty also has a bad rep most of the time, which is accurate when it's used for foods like slutty brownies because these are definitely not a go-to when you're on a diet. 

Urban Dictionary describes slutty brownies as a "chocolatey froth pile of satisfaction," and I don't think anyone can disagree with that one. But where did this delicious dessert get its dirty name? This is one of those questions that everyone is always thinking, but very few will actually ask. Don't worry, I did the research for you on this one.  

It's no surprise that this isn't the first time people are wondering where slutty brownies originated from. Slutty brownies were actually first made by Kevin and Amanda way back in 2011, where they weren't even called slutty brownies yet. They were instead called the Ultimate Chocolate Chip Cookie n' Oreo Fudge Brownie Bar, which is a mouthful if you ask me.

This was the first time the traditional slutty brownie was documented on the internet in the form we know it as today. But this doesn't answer the question we are asking: why are they called slutty brownies? And who came up with this new name?

The first time they actually went by the name we know and love today was on The Londoner, just a month after the Kevin and Amanda recipe was posted online. The Londoner describes why they called them "slutty brownies" perfectly: "they’re oh so easy, and more than a little bit filthy." Just as simple as I would've imagined. They are as easy to make as they are messy to eat.

If you look up Slutty Brownies on Pinterest there are thousands of recipes listed. They pretty much all give the same recipe, some homemade and some from the box. But honestly, if you choose to go through the process of making the cookie dough and brownie batter from scratch, the recipe isn't all that easy anymore. And isn't the whole point of slutty brownies to be easy? And delicious, of course. 

Now we can all make our slutty brownies knowing where they came from. I know no one ever really felt okay not knowing this information before. But now you know. So get the whole family together and make some slutty brownies that will be melt-in-your-mouth good. Grandma will giggle because "kids these days" and your mom will feel chill, which all moms aspire to be. You're welcome, now go get slutty.