
The New CBD Sparkling Water That is Changing Your Post-Workout Routine

The benefits of CBD, or Cannabidiol, are super underrated and often misunderstood. Most people might know that CBD helps relax the mind and reduce stress, but there are also many more health benefits to CBD. Sweet Reason Beverage Co. is reimagining our perception of CBD with their new and delicious CBD infused sparkling water. A bottle of this drink is the perfect post-workout beverage because of its natural health benefits and refreshing taste.

CBD: An Anti-Inflammatory That Supports Your Body's Recovery 

After a hard workout at the gym, your muscles are probably sore and exhausted. This is where Sweet Reason's CBD sparkling water becomes your savior. CBD is a proven natural anti-inflammatory that can ease muscle pain or discomfort. In addition, the drink is great for your skin because anti-inflammatories are known to help treat acne and promote anti-aging. It can also reduce high blood pressure and helps calm your mind, so you won't feel anxious after a tough workout. It might even clear your mind and give you more energy. CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid, meaning it will give you all the benefits without getting you high.

Sweet Reason harvests their CBD from industrial hemp, and the CBD that we consume from the water acts on our own body's internal cannabinoid system to bring us these health benefits. If you're still not convinced to add this drink to your post-workout routine, the nutrition facts of Sweet Reason's drink will immediately convince you.

Delicious, Refreshing, and Guilt-Free

Sweet Reason's CBD sparkling water comes in three unique flavors: grapefruit, strawberry and lavender, and cucumber and mint. Each bottle is only 5 calories with zero grams of sugar and no artificial flavors or sweeteners. The ingredients are all simple and natural. Basically, you can drink as much as you want without any guilt. It also comes in a recyclable glass bottle so it's good for the environment, and even better for your health!

If you are looking to try Sweet Reason, checkout their sparkling water here and get it delivered ASAP.