
The More Color the Better—and I’m Not Talking About Your Spring Break Tan

Spring Break is just a few, short weeks away. Midterms and that 5 page paper you’ve been avoiding for about a week now are coming close to due. In this Syracuse winter, most of us are just praying for some sunshine, a nice tan on that beach bod, and a chance to relax and escape. The more color the better. Although, we probably won’t be seeing a rainbow in the sky anytime soon, why not make a rainbow on your plate?

The greens are pretty self explanatory: kale, spinach, avocado (for all the Californians out there), celery, cucumber, edamame, even matcha, if you’re feeling fancy. The reds: tomatoes, apples, strawberries, raspberries, and peppers. The oranges: no, not our beloved Otto, but other oranges like tangerines and carrots. Yellows come in bananas, lemon, egg yolks, etc. The blues are for blueberries and last but not least, the purples are for açaí, other berries, and beets. Other than that you might want some browns/whites. For example: milk, bread, chicken, steak, fish, tofu, rice, etc. (even if you’re gluten free or vegan). Lean meats are perfect for burning fat and digestion. 

There are so many tips for using color that don't involve a lot of work or time in the kitchen. Shakes and smoothies are my favorite go-to for on-the-go meals with tons of colorful ingredients, and with a little protein powder; anything is possible!

Adding color and essential nutrients to your plate can influence your diet in addition to impacting your health and your mood. In this gloomy winter, adding some of these foods can really change your mood and energy levels as well. This is different for everyone depending on what you enjoy eating and your resources. The next time you’re at the grocery store or ordering in food before dominating that all-nighter, think about what you want the rainbow to look like on the road to Spring Break 2k17