
The Famous Rainbow Bagel’s Original Location Has Closed ‘Indefinitely’

The rainbow bagel that all foodies have begun to know and love has finally made its way to the top of the food trend ladder. We’ve all figured out what day of our spring break we’ll be trekking to Brooklyn early in the morning just for this bagel topped with funfetti cream cheese (and of course, for the Insta). The beautiful bagels have even been featured on television on Superbowl coverages and the Late Night Show with Stephan Colbert.

The Bagel Store’s two locations – both in the heart of Brooklyn – have been flourishing as the rainbow bagel becomes more and more well know. Although owner Scot Rossillo has been selling his unicorn-like bagels for 20 years, they’ve just recently become well-known. He’s got the art down pat (video viewing highly suggested).

The Business Insider’s article in October of this past year and then again in early February sent the little bagel shop over the edge. The store typically makes about 800 rainbow bagels a day and that number didn’t adapt to the long line that began stretching longer and longer outside of the shop – this number stayed constant despite demands.

The Bagel Shop’s Williamsburg location has closed ‘indefinitely’ as of yesterday afternoon. (What in the world are we going to do?!) The store’s marketing coordinator, Francine LaBarbara, told The Gothamist that the store had “gotten slammed like you cannot even imagine.” The closing is temporary, she says, just for basic maintenance (it better be).

If LaBarbara is being honest with us, this closing will be for the better. Maybe after renovations are complete, you won’t even have to wake up at 6 am to get your bagel because they’ll be making a hell of a lot more than 800 a day. A foodie can dream, right?

Photo courtesy of @devourpower on Instagram

#Spoontip: When these bad boys come back, you sure as hell better try one (or three). Top ’em with BEC, chocolate chip cookie dough cream cheese, or funfetti cream cheese. 

Need more bagels? We got you: