
The Healthy Strawberry Milkshake Recipe All Strawberry Lovers Need

Two weeks ago, I was cleaning out my refrigerator, when I suddenly found a container of strawberries that I didn’t even remember I had bought. Their shriveled up appearance and moldy exterior was enough to tell me that it was too late to save those fallen soldiers. In that sad moment, I vowed to never waste a single strawberry ever again. That decision was the catalyst to the creation of one of my best recipes to date: The Ultimate Healthy Strawberry Milkshake. It’s a recipe I keep on hand at all times; and if you love strawberries like me, you’ll definitely want to, too.

It's super easy to make at home with inexpensive ingredients you already have, and a prep time that barely exceeds 5 minutes. Not to mention, it has a delicious strawberry flavor! You'll never throw out another one of those juicy little red fruits ever again.

The Ultimate Healthy Strawberry Milkshake

Prep Time: 5 mins

Cook Time: 0 mins

Total Time: 5 mins

Servings: 1 


-1 cup chopped strawberries

-1 banana

-1/2 avocado (optional)

-1 cup nut milk of choice

-1/2 cup plain Greek Yogurt

-Honey to taste

-1 cup ice 


1. In a blender, add the strawberries, banana, avocado, nut milk of choice, Greek Yogurt, and the ice.

2. Blend on high for about 10-20 seconds or until ice cubes are mostly blended.

3. Taste and add honey to desired sweetness.

4. Blend again on high for 5-10 seconds or until ice cubes are fully blended throughout.

5. Pour milkshake into a glass and enjoy.

Recipe Notes:

If you're a fan of milkshakes with a thicker and creamier texture, you can freeze the strawberries, banana, and avocado overnight to give the milkshake that consistency.

And I get it, avocado might sound like a weird addition to a milkshake, but trust me, you can barely taste it! It adds some healthy fats and extra smoothness to the milkshake's texture; if you're not a fan, feel free to omit it!

Looking for more milkshake recipes? Check out some more healthy milkshakes you can make in the comfort of your home from our fellow Spoon University members!