
The Health Benefits of Beer You Never Hear

Now, before you get too excited, the health benefits of beer come only with moderation. Of course, that does not come as much of a surprise given the best things in life must be consumed in moderation (e.g. chocolate). Moderation for beer consumption means 12 ounces for women a day and 24 ounces for men a day, which is a bottle of beer for women and two for men, at 4% alcohol. You might have heard that moderate beer consumption can increase your lifespan (if not, get the details here). Now if that already hasn't impressed you, continue reading for some life changing facts about beer (keep reading if it impressed you anyway). It is about time beer gets the hype for its nutritional benefits for once!   

1. More Protein Than Wine

Thanks to brewer's yeast, beer is rich in protein. Humans require protein and what better way to reach that daily requirement than with beer. A few things protein is essential for include muscular health, energy production and hormone regulation cell regeneration. Note: beer won't actually satisfy your recommended daily intake of protein.

2. Contains Polyphenol

These types of antioxidants contain cancer-fighting properties, anti-inflammatory properties and minimize signs of aging on your skin. Polyphenols also promote heart health and counter heart disease.

3.  Contains Ferulic Acid

Hops, barley and other types of cereals that make up the majority of the contents of your beer contain this antioxidant. Ferulic acid has anti-aging components, it controls high cholesterol and blood pressure and it helps treat sun damage.

4. More B Vitamins Than Wine

Beer is rich in B vitamins like riboflavin, pyridoxine, folate and thiamine. These vitamins are beneficial for cell production and growth, sleep and mood regulation, cell repair, and healthy digestive and nerve functioning.

5. Stabilizes Sodium to Potassium Ratio

A healthy sodium to potassium ratio reduces your chances of hypertension and cardiovascular disease.

6. High Concentration of Calcium, Silica and Phosphate

Beer, alongside bananas, are the richest source of silica in the diet. Calcium regulates new skin cell production, and silica helps flush out toxic aluminum from your body.

7. Reduces Risk Coronary Disease

This study found evidence that a moderate intake of beer led to a 30 to 40 percent reduced risk of coronary disease. The same study also found that those who completely abstain from drinking had a higher risk of coronary disease, as did those whose drank excessively.

8. Provides "Good Carbs" for the Body

Polymerized carbs, also known as slow-release carbs, are beneficial for the body because they are slowly metabolized. This means that they are not immediately metabolized into sugar and entered into the bloodstream like fast-release carbs, meaning your energy will last longer.

Now, after reading all the benefits of beer, please do not misread this as an excuse to have excess amounts of beer. Beer is wonderful, but it's only a gem when consumed in moderation as stated before. This news just goes to show that beer is not as bad for your health as otherwise thought. Beer has been described as "empty carbs" an incredulous amount of times, which is certainly not true. So sit back, relax and enjoy a nice glass with your buds (or wait until you are 21).