
The Five Types of Tea You Should Drink During Finals Week

With finals rapidly approaching, it can be tempting to turn to coffee in order to supplement the hours upon hours of cramming and Netflix “breaks.” However, why not experiment a bit this upcoming finals week, and turn to an unlikely source of consolation: tea!

Oolong Tea: When you tell yourself you're going to start studying early

Kudos to you for (attempting to) start your studying early! Make sure to pour yourself a mug of oolong tea in order to get yourself “in the zone.” Oolong tea is partially fermented, meaning that, while it has a small amount of caffeine to aid your focus, it will also help you remarkably in terms of managing your fluctuating stress levels. Get ready to have a par-tea!

Peppermint Tea: When you're burned out during dead week

We all inevitably reach a point in the midst of finals week where we question the entire institution of education. Alas, make sure to grab a peppermint tea to help you in this state of mental unease. As peppermint tea has a stimulating flavor and a rejuvenating aroma, it can help you get back on your “A-game," as well as boost your mental performance. Likewise, this min-tea goodness will serve as a source of comfort for those late nights spent in the good ol’ library.

Chamomile Tea: When you have an existential crisis in the middle of your final review session

The information overload gets to all of us. I mean, when will you ever need to spout out the history of the Hundred Years’ War in the “real world”? Yet, the knowledge that you (somehow) have to know to get through these exams should have you reaching for some chamomile tea, as it will help decrease your stress and relax you. Make sure to keep your head high, and always remember that brew can do it!

Green Tea: When you find yourself frantically cramming two hours before your exam

We’ve all been there: you’re flipping through the textbook, trying to memorize one of seemingly thousands of equations and formulas. Do yourself a favor and grab some green tea to help. The small amount of caffeine will help you focus, while green tea’s cleansing property will help you to detox yourself of self-deprecating thoughts.

Chai Tea: When you finally turn in your test

It’s time to celebrate! Grab a cup of chai tea in order to radiate the relief that your finals are over. Chai is often associated with happiness, which is exactly what you should be feeling now that you finally get a nice, long break away from the #grind.

No matter what stage you're at in your dead week, remember that you can always turn to a good cup of tea to help you feel more comfortable. Make sure to remain confident in your abilities, and radiate positivi-tea! Best of luck!