
The Do’s and Don’ts of Being an Ice Cream Shop Customer, According to an Ice Cream Shop Employee

Nothing quite remedies the hot and sticky weather of summer like the cool and sticky sweet treat that is ice cream.

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But, working at an ice cream shop literally brings a whole new meaning to “I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream,” and it turns out that I’m screaming because you’re being annoying and you’re screaming because you want ice cream.

Don’t get me wrong, working at an ice cream shop can be great— when you’re serving the right people. So be the right person and check out this list of do’s and don’ts so the next time you’re trying to get your summertime ice cream fix, your server won’t hate you. Plus, if you’re a decent customer, I can almost guarantee you’ll be treated better by the server, too, and maybe even get a little bigger of a scoop than you would’ve.

Don’t wait until it’s your turn to look at the menu and decide what you want.

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Especially in the summertime, the lines are long and stay long for hours, which means you should have ample time to pick what flavor ice cream you want before it’s actually your turn. Of course, if you want to try a flavor or have questions, then ask away when it’s your turn. But there is nothing more frustrating than being in the swing of serving ice cream and then having to stop just because one guy “forgot to look at the menu” (that was literally said to me once).

Do put your rubbish in the designated areas, not in random cups.

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People put more trash in our “clean spoon” cup than I can even care to count. It was astounding to me, because it clearly said on the cup that the cup was filled with clean spoons. Not trash. Yet, people still somehow thought they should put their trash in said cup. Astounding.

Similarly, we had buckets that were clearly labeled “TRASH” along the counter for people to toss their tasting spoons into after they had finished with them, because, well, they were then trash. However, sometimes people would reach in and grab those used tasting spoons to use to eat their own ice cream, even after we tried to stop them mid-grab.

Don’t argue with your server about bringing your dog into the ice cream store.

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Yes, your lil’ doggo is cute AF, but that doesn’t mean they can come in, even though it breaks my heart. Believe me, if I had my way, dogs would be allowed everywhere, but it’s against basic health codes, and it’s unbelievably annoying to have to argue with someone about something we have no control over.

Do use common sense.

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“What does your vanilla taste like?” “What’s in chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream?”

C’mon, if the flavor is confusing or not obvious, then please, yes, ask away. We want to help you. But if it’s obvious and/or a flavor that is literally everywhere, like vanilla and chocolate chip cookie dough, why do you need to ask? Also, it puts us in the awkward position of trying to answer such a question without sounding like an asshole.  

Don’t complain to us about how long the line is.

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As frustrating as it must be to wait in line for forever for an ice cream, you made that decision. While you’ve been standing in line, doing nothing, we’ve been working to make that line move, as quickly and efficiently as possible. And sh*t happens: Sometimes stores are understaffed or sometimes there is just a massive surge of people wanting ice cream. So of course it’s going to take a while. But it’s not like that’s intentional on our part and I promise you that it sucks more for us than it does for you, so quit your b*tching.

Do ask us for suggestions.

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For the most part, we know what the best flavors are at the store, and usually we also know the best combinations of flavors, too. And, we’re not all always cranky, so if you show genuine interest and are nice while asking, we will go all the way and help you out. That said, if it’s busy, don’t spend a million years figuring out what you want after we’ve suggested some stuff to you.

And finally, do keep in mind that just like you, we are also humans…

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…and the summertime is the ice cream scooper’s best friend and worst enemy.

Want some more do’s and don’ts?