
The Definitive Ranking of Gas Station Beers

Do you ever feel like your alcohol options are limited? As in, you need to grab some booze, but the liquor stores are closed and the bars just aren't in your budget. This leaves you with one good option: gas station beer. 

Here's my list to help you make the best choice among beers when there is not much to choose from.

5. Natural Light

I put Natty Light on my ranking list of best gas station beers because of how inexpensive it is. It definitely has the worst flavor of my top five choices (think super watered down), but the price sure makes up for it and it gets the job done.

4. Rolling Rock

Rolling Rock is usually one of the cheapest beers on the market. It is easy on the wallet, but it still tastes pretty watered down like Natty Light. The taste is slightly more tolerable, though, which is why I rank it above Natty.

3. Pabst Blue Ribbon

Pabst is definitely a classic enjoyed by college students and hipsters alike. Both these groups can appreciate a decent-tasting bargain. Pabst is easy on the wallet, has a little bit more flavor and tastes less watered down than the previous two in my opinion.

2. Coors Light

If you are willing to spend slightly more, Coors Light is a much better beer. It has quality flavor for a light beer and is definitely a crowd pleaser. Plus, the labeling with temperature-activated, color changing mountains is pretty "cool."

1. Bud Light

I think Bud Light is the best tasting beer for your buck among gas station beers. It's satisfying and has a bold flavor. It might be slightly more expensive than other beers but not by very much. Either way, the quality definitely makes up for it. Show up to a get together with a case of Bud Light and you'll be a popular party-goer.

The next time you're strapped for time, cash or both, stop at the gas station. Don't fret: You can still make it to the party with decent tasting alcohol options in hand. Whichever beer you choose, you really can't go wrong since any case of beer is the sign of a good time.