
Ditch Your Vodka Cran for These Specialty Shots on Smokey Joe’s Secret Menu

Although Smokey Joe's is regarded by most as a grungy college bar, Penn students are unaware of the large array of drinks and shots that Smokes bartenders can make.

Open since 1933, Smokes has had quite a few years to formulate some unique concoctions to call their own. Smokes' specialty shots are a great way to mix up your typical drink order and have a more enjoyable time actually drinking. (The slightly worse hangover is definitely worth it.)

Here are the must-try secret shots from their hidden specialty menu.

Green Tea

- Jameson 

- Peach Schnapps

- Splash of Sprite

The green tea shot is Smokes' most popular specialty shot. Its super sweet taste makes for very easy drinking before you dive into a less tasty choice.

Chocolate Pretzel

- Frangelico

- Whipped cream vodka

- Salt

To take the chocolate pretzel shot, you are supposed to lick salt off your hand before—in order to emulate the saltiness of the pretzel—which counteracts the sweetness of the hazelnut and whipped cream flavors.

Try this one as the last shot of the night when your drunchies start to kick in.

Jolly Rancher

- Vodka

- Watermelon liqueur

- Splash of cranberry juice

According to a Smokes bartender I talked to, this is a very underrated shot at Smokes. This fruity mix masks the flavor of the vodka very well.

Red Headed Slut

- Jager

- Peach Schnapps

- Splash of cranberry

This is too vulgar for me to endorse ordering it, but it exists.

Diabetic Comma

- Unknown

This is a drink created by the one and only bartender Joe. The recipe is a secret, but it tastes like a gummy bear.

Next time you end your night at Smokes, which for most of you will be tonight, try something new and switch up your vodka soda order for a specialty shot.