
The 5 Stages of Becoming a Badass Cook, As Told By Beyoncé’s Lemonade

Unless you have been living under a rock this week you have probably heard about Bey’s new visual album Lemonade. In less known, but still relevant news, research found that 76% of millennials like to cook, and are cooking, on average, 4.9 times per week. In celebration of Beyoncé’s fantastic album and our generation’s embrace of cooking, here are five phases of learning how to cook, as told by Lemonade.

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1. You learn how to boil water.

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Water, heat, and time. Boiling may appear simple but as many novice chefs know things can get crazy quickly. Got caught up watching a certain someone’s stunning visual album? Your pot may now resemble the erupting Mount Vesuvius, but after you hone in on your craft you can basically cook anything. And you’re like, “Bam! I’m a water goddess,” and proceed to boil all the pasta.

2. Your confidence soars as you master the basics.

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Mario Batali better watch out. Maybe it’s the fancy foreign words, but you feel like everything you make is ridiculously sophisticated. Watch as you sauté the onions, mince the garlic, and julienne the vegetables. So français.

3. Your ego gets the best of you and you undercook/burn/ruin your dish.

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You see your dinner guests and they look like that after they eat your food. At first you feel this:

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And then you feel this:

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Oh, how the mighty have fallen. You were sure you set the timer for that pot roast but then again, maybe not. Was that sugar you put in the tart, or salt? The world may never know.

4. You take a brief hiatus from cooking.

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You need some time to reflect about just how bad your food was. Thanks to your not-so-subtle friends, you realize that you did not set the timer for the pot roast and yes, you did, in fact, add salt instead of sugar to your tart.

5. Back at it again, for real this time.

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You may not be a master chef yet but you sure are a badass one. You learn from your mistakes, pick up your whisk, and begin again. Beyoncé has reminded us of the importance of resilience. You may get knocked down, but when you learn from your mistakes you grow stronger.  With every egg you poach, chicken you roast, and chive you chop, you become a bigger badass chef.

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