
The 14 Best Study Snacks To Help Get That A

You know it, I know it -- it's crunch time. We've passed over the hill of midterms, but the mountain of finals are rapidly approaching. The Starbucks latte gives a great energy boost, but is followed by a caffeine crash. And those Chick-Fil-A fries are the best in the country, but the deep fried and grease in them don't make for a very healthy snack. In order to help you function your best when cramming in that last study session, these snacks will do you better than a triple shot espresso or a 6-pack of chicken nuggets. 

With amazing information from certified nutritionists, Tricia Silverman, RD, and Melissa Layne, MEd, here are 14 study snacks (in no particular order) to help you ace that final!

14. Mini meals that contain protein such as chicken, green beans and brown rice

A easy in-dorm meal prep or a mini size meal at Bento offer a snack that is perfect to grab and eat while you study!

13. Hummus and veggie sticks

With plenty of veggies to choose from as well as the insane amount of hummus flavors out there, this is a wonderfully healthy snack for studying.

12. Nuts and seeds, or trail-mix

The P.O.D market (or similar convenience store) is the perfect location for all your trail mix needs. You can make your own or buy a prepackaged one to get your study on. 

11. Almond/peanut butter and apple or banana slices

For anyone with a meal plan, just pop into the dining hall and grab either a banana or an apple as well as a to-go peanut butter packet!

10. Roasted Chickpeas

A little harder to find on the corner store, but still a deliciously healthy study snack in case you're in the mood something a little off the basic snack path. 

9. Roasted Soy Nuts

The plethora of flavors that soy nuts come in surely make this study snack perfect for when you can't decide between sweet, savory, tangy or tart. 

8. Cheese Sticks

Combining a cheese stick with some nuts or a couple of crackers is super yummy and easy to-go study snack!

7. Yogurt with nuts or nut butter and fresh fruit

A great morning study snack when you aren't ready for lunch-time foods, this mini-meal is a sure fire way to chase those z's away.

6. A hardboiled egg on avocado toast

This one isn't just for the insta foodies. The protein in the egg and Omega 3's in the avocado make for a perfectly healthy and deliciously tasty snack!

5. A small smoothie

No time to make a smoothie? No problem! Just head over to Shake Smart, Jamba Juice, or any other smoothie place and split a large shake with a friend. Half the cost and a perfect snack!

4.  To-Go Tuna

This slightly smelly snack is a great way to get those helpful Omega 3's in and fill your belly during study time. 

3. Dark Chocolate

This is official y'all, dark chocolate is good to eat (in limitations, of course). But a small snack like dark chocolate covered fruit is a great pick-me-up (and full of antioxidants) so you can pick up that textbook. 

2. Pumpkin and sunflower seeds

Not just for the baseball games anymore, these seeds are excellent for studying by proving nutrients that help slow down the rate of cognitive decline. 

1. Peppermint 

To be or not to be consumed, up to you, even just smelling the peppermint will bring you focus to get through that last never-ending chapter in Macroeconomics. 

These 14 amazing study snacks are the perfect ways to help you stay focused and keep you full so you can hit the books, hit the final, then hit the hay!

Another special thanks to Tricia Silverman (@triciasilverman) and Melissa Layne. Tricia is a registered dietician and author of a brand new food book as well as a professional speaker, fitness instructor, wellness coach, and presenter with SCW. Melissa is a professor at University of North Georgia, author and is also a presenter with SCW.