Hosting a movie night for your friends may seem like an easy enough task, but a lot more goes into it other than logging in to your Netflix account. If people are coming to veg out, they are most definitely expecting yummy movie snacks. Don’t disappoint them.

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But, how does one decide what to serve? Do you go with classic popcorn? Do you go wild with a variety of candies and cakes? Don’t worry, I’m here to help. Navigate movie night snacks selections using this guide formulated by movie genre:
Comedy: Sugar Cookies

Photo by Amanda Shulman
Sometimes feel-good, funny movies call for feel-good (or rather taste good) sugary cookies. Bake classic sugar cookies the next time you and your friends decide to watch a comedy. You won’t be disappointed.
Rom-Com: Anything Red Velvet

Photo by Dylan Barth
Whether you’re planning a girls’ night, date night or just a quiet night in, red velvet is the way to best compliment any rom-com. While the two leads fall in love, you can fall in love with your own choice of red velvet cookies, cupcakes, ice cream or anything in between. Everyone knows the only way to combat sappiness is with red velvet happiness.
Mystery: Nutella-Filled Cinnamon Sugar Croissants

Photo by Allen Scherr
When watching a mystery, it’s necessary to have movie snacks that matches its suspense with its own surprise filling. That’s why you should make these Nutella-filled cinnamon sugar croissants for your mystery movie nights. Your friends will be happily surprised by this sweet and savory treat.
Horror: Cupcakes with Blood Orange Frosting

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Max out your scary movie night with cupcakes topped with (aptly named) blood orange frosting. Cupcakes are the perfect snack to munch on in between yelling at the screen to warn characters “do not open the door!” (Why do they always open the door?)
Action: Sriracha Popcorn

Photo by Erica Coulter
Action flicks require movie snacks with a little kick, which is why Sriracha popcorn is the perfect choice. This spicy twist on every moviegoer’s favorite snack will keep you on the edge of your seat.
Sci-Fi: Rainbow Chocolate Balls

Photo by Max Bartick
What better way to watch a science fiction movie than with your own magical rainbow chocolate ball. Give those CGI special effects a run for their money by making your own whimsical, transforming, colorful creations.