Eating healthy in college can be pretty tricky. Who can resist that warm pepperoni slice after an intense night of partying studying?
Not to mention, we’ve all read tons of tips on what we absolutely should be eating (hint: superfoods) and what to totally avoid. But the real question is, “How much we should eat?”
Well, don’t stress, my friend, cause there are a couple ways to figure this out. It all comes down to your personal goals and preferences. Here are a few methods that’ll help you figure out just how much you should be eating, based on science, gender and weight.
Note: You should always eat how much you want to be eating. These are just ways to calculate many calories scientists recommend for your body type. I am in no way a nutritionist, just a girl trynna share these cool tips.
1. BMR

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Let’s get the science out of the way for ya. BMR stands for Basal Metabolic Rate. This is basically the amount of calories your body would naturally burn if you stayed in bed all day.
Calculate your BMR

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Break out the calculator and plug in your information to the model below:
Step 1
Women: BMR = 65 + (4.35 x weight) + (4.7 x height) – (4.7 x age)
Men: BMR = 66 + (6.23 x weight) + (12.7 x height) – (4.7 x age)
If you are lazy like myself, you could just use this online BMR calculator.
Step 2
Now you know the numbers you can eat according to the data. Trying to lose weight? Lower your calories and increase your physical activity.But don’t be tempted by these fad diets. Trying to gain weight? Increase your calories. And remember, this is based on how many calories you would burn by staying in bed all day.
2. BMI

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BMI stands for Body Mass Index. This is a score that measures how much body fat you have. The chart above organizes the numbers so that you know exactly what you’re dealing with.
Calculate your BMI

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BMI = (weight / (height x height)) x 703
Definitely use this online calculator to determine your unique BMI. Talk to your doc about this info and see what he or she recommends regarding nutrition. He/she will definitely be impressed that you found out all this info on your own. Score.
3. Macros

Photo by Natalie Choy
No, not macaroons – macros.
Here we go. This is a flexible program that determines how many calories you should be eating based on your height, weight and how often you workout. If you use the online calculator you can find out how many grams of carbs, protein and fat you should consume. While this method is mainly used for fitness junkies, you can use it to eat properly on your own.
Calculate Your Macros

Photo by Danny Schuleman
Step 1
Women: 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (y) – 161 = REE
Men: 10 x weight (kg) + 6.25 x height (cm) – 5 x age (y) + 5 = REE
Step 2
Choose an activity level:
Sedentary – (REE X 1.2)
Light Activity – (REE x 1.375)
Moderate Activity – (REE x 1.55)
Very Active – (REE x 1.725)
Step 3
Eat more calories than presented to gain weight, eat less to lose weight, and eat the same amount to maintain your weight.
Don’t forget to use an online calculator to find out how many macaroons you can consume in one day. Remember, as long as it fits your macros you can eat it. Macarons are also welcome.
4. -morph

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So math isn’t your thing? That’s totally fine, cause there’s a visual option to help you figure out what you should be eating. To do so you first need to determine your -morph.
Determine your -morph

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For me, this technique is super tricky, but maybe I just don’t wanna admit that I’m an endomorph. After reading this article from Precision Nutrition, you’ll have a better handle on the whole -morph deal.
Figuring out your body type (or -morph) will tell you more than what your body looks like. Most people are a combination of one of the -morphs, so take these tips with a grain of salt. Knowing your body type can help you learn how you respond to certain foods and ingredients. If you are looking for a more astrological version, check check this out.
Try and go for equal amounts of protein and veggies with carbs and fat taking up less room on your plate.
In addition, to the suggestions for Ectomorphs, you can increase your carb and fat intake per meal. But never have more carbs than your protein or veggie intake.
Again, eat lots of protein and veggies. Limit your carbs to about a palm-full per meal. On the bright side, you can handle having more fat dense foods than any other -morph.