
“Bulletproof” Coffee Is As Weird As It Sounds

Dave Asprey , the founder and creator of Bulletproof Coffee has changed the way we look at our morning Cup of Joe. Dave, who wrote a NY Times best selling book titled “The Bulletproof Diet” points out countless benefits we can obtain by upgrading our coffee. Although this book sells itself as a diet, Dave sees it more as a lifestyle – where you basically receive the majority of your daily calories from butter and oil, in your coffee!

The idea behind Bulletproof coffee is entirely biological. It all has to do with the way our bodies processes and metabolizes our calorie intake. The idea is pretty simple, when the body is given these relatively large amounts of pure fats and oils, it has no better option for energy than to burn those fats. Normally your body would look for quick sources for energy, carbs usually, and anything else that is relatively ‘quick’ to use. But, under the Bulletproof coffee lifestyle we only give the body one option for energy: BURN. THE. FAT. So, as you may then guess, when all that readily available fat is burned up (metabolized), the body will use our stored energy sources–fat.  Who knew that dreaded freshman 15 could be put to such good use…?

This all sounds great and, really, who isn’t trying to loose a few extra pounds now and again. But, there are other more holistic benefits to this unique coffee.

Wouldn’t it be great to Bulletproof our brains before finals?

Although this may not be possible, and the brain fry-ing is inevitable this coming week, upgrading your coffee may help ease your mind, pun intended.

Quick effects Bulletproof coffee has on the brain:

1. Eliminates toxins. (pure ingredients–>pure mind)
2. Stops dependence on sugar for fuel and “reward” responses. (Our bodies see food as a reward, and sugar is like a hyper-reward–so many puns I can’t help myself–this dependence is not so great.)
3. Fats help nutrient transportation. ( A.K.A. eat fats–>more nutrients–>better body functions–>smarter)

We all know fats are good for our body, in moderation. We also know that sugar is absolutely not good for our bodies, in moderation or not. So, instead of giving your body the Costco sized candy bar, drink some more coffee. Bulletproof Coffee. 

Now that you’ve gotten your science lesson for the day…here’s the good stuff. 


Prep Time: 5 Minutes
Total Time: 5 Minutes

Servings: 1


1 cup coffee
1-2 tablespoons grass-fed butter
1 tablespoon oil (MCT or Coconut or some type of nutritious oil)

SIDE NOTE: Dave and the Bulletproof Coffee team believe you need what is shown in the picture; “upgraded beans”, MCT Oil (both of which can only be bought on the Bulletproof Coffee website) and grass fed butter.

Photo By Hannah Giardina


1. Make coffee.

Photo By Hannah Giardina

2. Add butter.

Photo By Hannah Giardina

3. Add oil.

Photo By Hannah Giardina

4. Blend.

Photo By Hannah Giardina

5. Drink.

Photo By Hannah Giardina