
Meet the Students Who Started Their Own Sugarcane Juice Company

Sugar is the new enemy these days. It hides in our cabinets, favorite sweets and ice cold sodas. We are told to avoid the evil little molecule at all costs, so then why is the pure juice of sugarcane considered the new elixir?

This sounds like some malicious ploy.

Take a deep breath and drop the Stevia, students Devon and Simi have harnessed the health benefits of raw sugarcane in one delectably refreshing freshly pressed juice that they call: Sweet Aloha Organic Sugarcane Juice.

Now before we get to boasting about former AU student, Devon, and her partner Simi, you might be wondering what all this “sugarcane is healthy for you” nonsense really means.

For starters, sugarcane actually has a very low glycemic index. A low glycemic index means the plant’s natural sugars are slowly digested. This results in a steady supply of energy to the body that, unlike the high glycemic index of processed sugars, does not cause a blood sugar spike that crashes minutes later.

Organic sugarcane’s high antioxidant content boosts immune system function and protects again liver and kidney disease. Now are you beginning to believe the fresh pressed juice’s elixir powers? The plant’s health benefits don’t stop there either. Raw sugarcane also contains a high concentration of calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, and manganese. These are all nutrients the body needs to remain healthy and strong. Just a sip of this natural brew will leave you glowing from the inside out.

Courtesy of

Devon and Simi were first introduced to the powers of sugarcane juice while volunteering together in the WWOOF program in Oahu last Fall. They took one sip of the magical drink and immediately knew they just had to make some of their own.

Soon Devon and Simi were harvesting and juicing their own sugarcane (which can be over 6ft tall) and experimenting with different organic local flavors. The girls were so inspired, they decided to move to Maui and launch Sweet Aloha full-time.

Photo by Devon Harris

Devon and Simi continued to give back to the community while developing their organic juice company. They highly value the importance of giving back to the land that provides all of their ingredients and volunteer fifteen hours a month of their time to local farms. Could Sweet Aloha Organic Sugarcane Juice be anymore wholesome?

The girls are still in the process of creating their company. In late January, the girls will launch their Indiegogo campaign. The goal of the campaign is to raise $18,000 to cover start-up costs including the market stand, sugarcane juicer and the business license. The quicker the girls can raise the money, the sooner this powerful tasty elixir can be in your grocery carts. I see those heart-emoji eyes.

Donors will receive special perks including Sweet Aloha merchandise, t-shirts and other gifts depending on how much money the donate to the Indiegogo campaign. Just image yourself on a hot summer’s day (tempting with all the snow outside, eh?) decked out in Sweet Aloha apparel, double fisting two ice-cold freshly pressed sweet and tangy organic sugarcane juices. My mouth is watering already.

Since by now I cannot imagine you’re not interesting in learning more about Sweet Aloha Organic Raw Pressed Sugarcane Juice, check out their Facebook page, contact them on Twitter (@sweetalohajuice) or find them on Instagram (@sweetalohajuice).

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