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Step Out of Your Comfort Zone and Try Doing These Activities By Yourself

This article is written by a student writer from the Spoon University at FIT chapter.

We’re all captivatingly different in various ways, but there’s one thing that many of us patently have in common: we all treasure alone time every once in a while. The thought of hanging out with friends and family might sound more enthralling to a lot of you, and there’s nothing wrong with that, but trust me, there are a number of incredible things that you should try doing alone, at least once in your life. You might love ’em, you might hate ’em, but you can’t say you didn’t do ’em.

Go to a buffet


Photo by Joyce Xu

Eating alone is only awkward if you make it awkward. Generally, once you get seated and have a chance to browse that menu, you’ll realize it really ain’t that bad. At a buffet, though, it’s a lot more flexible, as everyone’s attention is on the assorted dishes rather than on you, just another individual dining alone. You’ve got an all-you-can-eat right in front of you, so go ahead and eat as much as you’d like.

Go on a picnic


Photo by Christin Urso

Bring a book you’ve been wanting to read and a brimming basket of the snacks you love. Throw in some homemade sandwiches — BLTs, for example — or buy chips and salsa. Head to Walgreens or CVS to grab your favorite chocolate bar or a box of Sour Patch Kids. Fruits, hummus, Chex Mix and Pretz are always on my picnic menu — what’s gonna be on yours?

Go for some dim sum


Photo by Joyce Xu

Get ready for the silver carts loaded with an array of hot foods in steamer baskets, or the ones comprised of unique fried foods and tasty desserts on white plates.

Savory options that are perfect for first-timers include har gow (shrimp dumplings), zhaliang (Chinese crullers, each cloaked in a thin sheet of rice noodle roll), shumai (shrimp and pork dumplings) — not like the ones from your local supermarket’s freezer — and gow choi gau (shrimp and chive dumplings).

For dessert, try black sesame rolls, egg custard, deep-fried glutinous rice balls with sesame, or steamed malay sponge cakes.

Go to the movies


Photo by Joyce Xu

You’re worried that people are watching you and questioning why someone would ever go to the movies alone. Ignore those negative thoughts and try to enjoy the idea of spending alone time at a movie theater. You’re doing your own thing and there’s nothing to be ashamed of. Also, before you head in, buy yourself a large soda and a bag of popcorn with extra butter.

Go to an art gallery


Photo by Joyce Xu

For a majority, there’s almost nothing new about visiting an art gallery alone, but for those of you who haven’t, studying the distinct pieces at a gallery can be quite tedious or it can be fun enough for you to turn this into a daily activity.

Go karaoking


Photo by Joyce Xu

Yes, karaoke — yet another one of those activities that don’t quite feel right without close ones by your side. It’s not like someone will be guarding you while you’re happily singing your lungs out, so no worries — get in that room, order snacks and drinks, and choose your favorite songs. Try doing this one after a having a long day at work.

Go bookstore hopping


Photo by Joyce Xu

Bookstores are one of the greatest spots to visit, especially when you want alone time. Those books ain’t gonna chat with you, and you’ll be free to browse through as many as you’d like, and even buy a few that you’re genuinely interested in reading. Visit about five in a day – you’ll leave with some cool things and think to yourself, “Damn, I’ve been missing out.”

Go to a free event


Photo by Joyce Xu

There are numerous free events listed on Facebook – go through a few of them and see which ones you’d really be interested in. Set up a calendar with upcoming concerts, or food tasting events, which are usually the best ones.

Go shopping


Photo by Joyce Xu

Let’s be honest — shopping with friends and family isn’t as great as one would assume. While you’re browsing the silver racks, you’ve got someone alongside you asking which color looks better; what size they should get; and, most agitating of all, if they should buy it. Shop alone — it’s a lot more tranquil and delightful than you’d expect.

Each of these activities can be enjoyable as long as you give them a chance. You can try doing them with your friends and family, and then try doing them alone, to see which one works best for you.

Breakfast buffets & jajangmyeon.