Halloween is only a few days away, and while you’ve been scouring the Internet for good costume ideas, Starbucks has been hard at work on their own little Halloween surprise: the Frappula Frappuccino.
This latest seasonal concoction will be available at any Starbucks location in the US from October 28-31 (and if you’re lucky enough to live in Canada, you can get it a whole extra day).

Photo courtesy of elitedaily.com
The new drink, which is made of white chocolate sauce, milk, and ice blended together and layered between mocha sauce and raspberry syrup, is described as “fang-tastic.” I’m not sure what that means, but it sounds terrifying.
Why is Starbucks releasing yet another type of frappuccino? I thought people stopped drinking those in, like, 2012. There are many things this world desperately needs, and a new frap flavor is not one of them.
The new Frappula is apparently a response to last Halloween’s Franken Frappuccino, which was an equally heinous shade of green.

Photo courtesy of elitedaily.com
Don’t worry though, there is some good that will come of this. For the next week, the Frappula will be replacing those much less visually appealing but definitely less harmful to your body pumpkin spice lattes that have been clogging up your Instagram newsfeed since October hit.
Seriously, how do they get it to be that orange-ish red-ish color? Is that blood? It could definitely be blood. This Halloween, I’d say stick to the candy.

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