We get drunk sometimes. It’s inevitable. And yes, we are often left with a throbbing headache the next morning.


Photo courtesy of crunkish.com

It’s standard to guzzle down H2O, but a recent study at Sun Yat-Sen University in Guangzhou, China shows that Sprite may be just as effective.

Hangovers are caused by the process of metabolizing ethanol found in alcoholic drinks. Alcohol dehydrogenase (ADH) combines with oxygen and converts ethanol to acetaldehyde. This build up of acetaldehyde results in symptoms like headache, nausea and fatigue, those typically associated with a hangover.


Photo by Hannah Lin

Here’s where Sprite kicks in: Aldehyde dehydrogenase (ALDH) converts acetaldehyde to acetate, providing sweet relief to our bodies, and Sprite speeds up this much-needed process.

Scientists at Sun Yat-Sen University conducted a study on how herbal and carbonated beverages affect ADH and ALDH levels, and they found that Sprite, or “Xue Bi,” both lowered ADH activity and aldehyde toxicity and increased ALDH activity. They also found that some herbal drinks, like one containing hemp seeds, may actually lead to longer, more persistent hangovers.


Photo by Hannah Lin

So pop open that Sprite, partygoers. Plus you’ll get to be just like Drake. Nice.


Photo courtesy of www.brainstorm9.com.br