
Spoon Union Takes French Fries to a Whole New Level in Upper

This year we’re back and better than ever, and we’ve got 120 pounds of potatoes to prove it. Yep. You read that right.

Remember last year when SpoonU introduced our ever-popular French Fry Bar? Last week, with the help of dining services, we headed back to Upper to serve up a ton of sweet potato and regular fries…Not to mention some insane aiolis.

We had lemon rosemary, curry, Sriracha, and my personal fave, garlic, to throw on top of each heaping plate of fries. What more could you ask for?

We had some amazing spices (and good old parmesan cheese) to truly bring the french fries to another level. It was almost impossible to walk by our station without doing a (Spoon) U-turn to get in on that fry action (see what I did there?).

Along with our fries, we also had a plantain fry station because why not? What is a plantain, you ask? It is in the banana family, but not as sweet. Plantains grow in warm climates, and are really popular in Indian, Caribbean, and West African cuisines. So there's your lesson in food culture for the day.

After we sautéed and caramelized our plantains, you could throw any of the aiolis on top, and they were definitely a hit. If you're looking to make plantains yourself, don't be intimidated

If you missed out on last week's takeover, don't worry. SpoonU Union will be back in the dining halls serving some super yummy treats real soon. And if you have any ideas of what we should make next, definitely hit us up!