
10 Reasons Why You Should Join Spoon UF

Spoon UF is a place where you can get experience, learn, meet people and eat—all at once. It's funny, people often think I'm goofing off while I'm working on Spoon articles because I'm cracking up at GIFs or drooling at a picture of food. You'll find yourself saying that you need to "work on an article," but you'll have fun while doing it.

Anyway, here's a list of the top 10 reasons Spoon UF is the best organization to get involved in this semester.

1. You get to write/take pictures/promote all things food.

Food is the best thing this life has to offer. That's a fact. If you're spending time on other things, like thinking about stuff that isn't food, you're wasting your time. That is all.

2. You get to be surrounded by people who love food just as much as you do.

And they enjoy sharing that love often. (They also share their food. It's bomb.)

3. You will be a part of an amazing team that is creative, diligent and fun.

Your new foodie friends will support you and explore weird or new restaurants with you. 

4. If you have any cool ideas for recipes (or want to try some DIY), you'll be surrounded by people who will happily experiment with you.

...and keep a record of it, so you can brag later.

5. Saw something that looks delicious on the internet, but you don't live in NYC or LA? 

We get together and make those amazing looking things often. It's not our fault we live in Florida.

6. There are events all the time.

These events will allow you to network, meet new people and eat/drink delicious things.

7. There's a job for whatever you're into.

Writing? Yes. Photography? Yup. Social media? We have that. Event planning? You bet. French fries? Heck yea!

8. You'll get amazing experience, and you'll get published (maybe even featured on other popular national sites!).

Remember those DIY Black Tap milkshakes from Reason #5? They were featured on BuzzFeed and USA Today College. #famous #blessed

9. You can learn while building your resume and your portfolio all at once.

You're online, you're amazing, and now everyone knows it.

10. You'll have an amazing time while getting professional credibility and eating all of the food.

Basically Spoon UF is like heaven, but on campus. 

So what are you waiting for? If you're interested in being a part of our team, request an application here. Be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram, too!