
A Preview of St Andrews Spoon Snacks

Week 11 is over and revision has unfortunately begun. Or if you’re like me, the library is calling but you just can’t stop streaming Netflix from the comfort of your warm bed. Either way, stress is setting in and with exams consuming your thoughts, you can forget to treat yourself right.

Spoon St Andrews is here to help. On Saturday December 5th, we will be giving away FREE goody bags filled with some very delicious and healthy products. That’s right, you heard us: FREE. We want you to have well-fed brains to get the most out of all your studying. We present to you here a preview of the incredible items we will be handing out on Saturday.

1. Emily Fruit Crisps

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Not only are these crisps a healthy alternative to munching on Doritos, but they won a Great Taste Award this year, so you know they are majorly yum. They’re fruity, crunchy, and a great revision snack when you need to a little sweet treat.

2. Aduna

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Aduna’s products, baobab and moringa, are all-natural, vitamin-filled superfoods. The products are found in rural parts of Africa and are 100 % natural. Not only are they known to heave both health and beauty benefits, but there are loads of recipes that use both baobab and moringa to create some delicious creations. Super-food and super-yum.

3. Imbibery Cold Press Juices

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We all know cold press juices are #trendy right now, and with Imbibery cold press juices you can hop on the trend and try some pretty fab flavors. If you’ve been feeling revision-induced laziness and ordering Dominoes every night, use one of their detox juices to get some desperately needed greens in you.

4. Bounce Energy Ball

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Falling asleep at your library chair and need a little energy boost? Bounce balls provide a new, round way to eat an energy bar. Try Fudgie Walnut or Cashew and Pecan for a delicious way to wake yourself up.

To get these awesome goodies all you have to do is share you favorite Spoon St Andrews article on Facebook. Make sure you tag #spoonsnacks with your post, and send an email to letting us know you shared. Once that’s done, we’ll deliver a surprise combo of tasty treats right to you at the library. Could it get any better than that? No.

We will be delivering from 11 AM on Saturday December 5th, but the sooner you share the better, as we’ll only be fulfilling orders on a first come, first serve basis. Happy sharing, and happy revising, St Andrews.

Need more healthy snacks to get you through revising? Check out these articles: