
Spoon Sense: A Blind Cookie Taste Test

The Spoon Chapter here at Emory University hosted an event to celebrate our favorite of the five senses, taste. With the help of the seriously scrumptious Ali’s Cookies located right across from campus (if you haven’t been we don’t know what you have been doing with your life), the best blind cookie taste test Emory has ever experienced was conducted. Here’s a taste bud teasing glimpse into how the event went down.

Photo by Sydney Wiener

Lucky participants were blindfolded and seated at a table in front of trays of 5 different flavors of mouth watering cookies. The flavors they tried were Chocolate Chip, Snickerdoodle, Spicy Hot Chocolate, Oatmeal Chocolate Chip, and Red Velvet White Chocolate (the Spoon team made sure to sample them all before to ensure maximum tastiness). Each participant was given a free cookie sampler of each different cookie, yeah we know you are jealous, and tasted them one at a time. We asked the participants what they thought each flavor was, as well as which one was their favorite flavor.

Photo by Sydney Wiener

Here are the highly anticipated results of the taste test:

48% voted the Red Velvet White Chocolate as their favorite, a surprising result considering when asked what they thought the flavor was most people were a bit off.

Photo by Sydney Wiener

“I think this one is peanut butter.”


“It tastes just like my mom’s pecan pie.”

Coming in second with 33% of the votes was the classic Chocolate Chip. This one is a Spoon favorite as well, we swear it tastes exactly like ooy gooey chocolate chip cookie dough.

Photo by Sydney Wiener

The Spicy Hot Chocolate proved to be confusing for most taste buds, with guesses ranging from mint chocolate chip to gingerbread to caramel. This eccentric flavor did not get much love, with only 3% voting it their number one favorite cookie.

Photo by Sydney Wiener

The Oatmeal Chocolate Chip, pretty much always confused with Chocolate Chip, was favored by only 10% of cookie tasters.

Photo by Sydney Wiener

Snickerdoodle came in with 6% of the votes for favorite, and was most often thought to be sugar or cinnamon. Let’s be honest, both of those are still pretty much on point.

Photo by Sydney Wiener

Everyone who came to Ali’s left with their taste buds and tummy’s well satisfied. We can all agree that the results of the taste test were absolutely sensational!

Photo by Sydney Wiener

Want more cookies? Check these out: