College students love Easy Mac.  This fact is irrefutable.  It’s easy to make, can be cooked in under five minutes and it’s delicious. It’s the perfect meal for a student who doesn’t have access to anything other than a microwave, needs something to eat but has class in 20 minutes, or is simply too lazy to leave his or her room and venture to the dining hall. It’s easy to get bored of the same old Easy Mac, so here are some simple ideas for how to make it a little less basic.

easy mac

Photo By Josie Schwartz

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Before I suggest any specific recipes, I will supply you with a list of ingredients that are easy add-ins and toppers for Easy Mac. They are cheap, easy to acquire and make a world of difference!

  1. Bacon
  2. Chicken
  3. Bread crumbs
  4. Various types of cheese (who doesn’t want extra cheesy mac??)
  5. Black pepper
  6. Hot peppers
  7. Hot sauce
  8. Ketchup
  9. Hot dogs
  10. Ham
  11. Chopped vegetables
  12. Peas
  13. Canned tuna
  14. Ground beef
  15. Chopped onion
  16. Various seasonings (garlic powder’s great!)

easy mac

Photo By Josie Schwartz

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Here are some great, simple recipes for how to make your Easy Mac a little more delectable.

Hot Dog: Make a bowl of Easy Mac and add pieces of chopped up hot dog, ketchup, chopped onion and pickle relish.

easy mac

Photo By Josie Schwartz

Taco: And add some ground beef, lettuce, diced tomato and hot sauce. Pieces of broken up tortilla chip can also be added for a little extra crunch. Add shredded cheddar cheese when the mac is still hot so that it can get melty and delicious. It’s a fiesta in your mouth!

Tuna Melt: Make a bowl of Easy Mac and add canned tuna, chopped celery and onions and cheese (any type of cheese that you prefer will do, but I’ve found that Swiss works particularly well with this recipe). Bread crumbs also go well with this dish.

Combine any ingredients from the list above to make your own mac-tastic creations. It’s all about being creative.

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