
A Somewhat Official Ranking of Ice Cream Sandwiches

Summer is coming, which means the long days of heat beating down you causing you to sweat more than you did at your last SoulCycle class are coming too.  We’ve got you covered when it comes to picking out the best ice cream sandwiches to keep you cool all summer long.

1. The Nestle Chipwich

Photo by Sharpay Zhang

This is the Holy Grail of ice cream sandwiches. No other option compares to its glory.  The ice cream is milky and rich, but thin enough that you can bite into it without causing major tooth pain. The cookie is crunchy and firm, so it can hold the sandwich together, but chewy enough that it doesn’t crumble when you bite into it.  The chocolate chips in the cookie add a new dimension and are always the perfectly chilled no matter how long the sandwich has been sitting in the sun.  The ratio of ice cream to cookie is balanced so that you never feel like you need more or less of either one.  And despite the sweet taste, the chipwhich does not make you thirsty. This was the clear winner.  Overall: 11 out of 10

2. North Star Cookies and Cream

Photo by Sharpay Zhang

This is the cold cookies and cream of your dreams. TBT to the ice cream truck at the beach, anyone? The ice cream has a fluffy consistency and the cookie is a classic chocolate sponge cake, and despite its overwhelming sweetness (which definitely leaves you thirsty) it still comes out near the top of the competition. Overall: 8 out of 10

3. Blue Bunny Birthday Party

Photo by Sharpay Zhang

This brand is a master of flavor – the sandwich tastes exactly like birthday cake, earning it major points. The ice cream is a little too creamy and melts fast, but its fantastic flavor makes up for the messiness.  The sprinkles mixed into the ice cream and the cookie go unnoticed, which, as a devout sprinkle-lover, is a shame.  The cookies are also a little too soft to keep the structure of the sandwich in tact, which takes away from the joy of eating ice cream as finger food.  Overall: 7 out of 10

4. Klondike Bar

Photo by Sharpay Zhang

This square of tasty goodness receives the lowest ranking on our list.  Not technically a sandwich, the Klondike Bar leaves something to be desired.  Biting into it, the hard chocolate shell cracks and sticks to your fingers and the ice cream quickly melts and drips freaking everywhere, making it by far the messiest of all our choices. However, the ice cream itself has a great vanilla taste and isn’t too firm, and the chocolate shell is definitely on point in terms of flavor. Still, to answer the old advertisement question, “What would you do for a Klondike bar?”… um, not much. Overall: 6 out of 10