The bustle and chaos of college can put choosing healthy foods near the bottom of a packed priority list. An easy way to eat better is to make smart decisions, even if you’re choosing between late night favorites. Choose by the numbers and you’re sure to pick the champion of these indulgences — perhaps the heavy-weight champion.
Bacon is deemed a breakfast essential by most. Three slices (about 19 grams) have about 100 calories, 8 grams of fat and over 400 milligrams of sodium. A link of pork sausage (about 13 grams), however, has only 44 calories, 4 grams of fat and about 100 milligrams of sodium. Despite the fact that this is less sausage than bacon, the significant increase in fat, calories and sodium in bacon makes it the less healthy choice. To be even healthier, opt for a turkey or chicken sausage instead of pork.
Springtime equals cookouts, and cookouts equal burgers and dogs. A standard McDonald’s hamburger (100 grams of food) has 252 calories, 9 grams of fat and almost 500 grams of sodium. However, burgers are a good source of protein, iron, and zinc, and most people just eat one at a time.
On the other hand, a hot dog in a bun (98 grams of food) is loaded with almost 700 milligrams of sodium, as well as almost 15 grams of fat and 240 calories. Hot dogs are normally made with processed meat and chemicals that are much worse for you than the pure ground beef of hamburgers. (Plus you might eat more than one.)
Fries vs Tater Tots
A small serving (71 grams) of fast food French fries, for example, has 230 calories and 11 grams of fat. You’ll also be consuming about 160 milligrams of sodium. A serving of tater tots (86 grams) has 160 calories and 8 grams of fat, but packs a whopping 420 milligrams of sodium. While fries do have more calories and fat than tater tots, the extraordinary increase in sodium in tots makes fries the healthier choice — barely.