
The Six O’clock Barone Rush, as Told by Liz Lemon

If there’s one thing all Fairfield students know, it’s that Barone is a madhouse once six o’clock hits. It doesn’t matter what they’re serving, but when that magic hour arrives, Barone is packed to the brim. Tables are scarce, and good food is even scarcer. So, when you find yourself pressed up against the wall by the ice cream station, or waiting what seems like forever just to get a turkey sandwich, just remember that you’re not alone. “30 Rock”‘s Tina Fey Liz Lemon understands the struggle, and she’s got you covered with sassy quips for days.

Your friends are finally out of class, which means you can go eat!

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But the timing is all wrong and you hit Barone right as the rush starts

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(People do know that Barone is open until ten, right?)

You wander around forever, but FINALLY find a table

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You smell something delicious coming from the kitchen…

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If the stars are aligned, it’ll be mac and cheese.

Only to realize that the line for that entrée is huge. So you find a Plan B.

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(Hint: It’s probably grilled chicken and salad.)

You have to deal with people constantly cutting in front of you at the salad bar.

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And then the guy in front of you for chicken takes at least four pieces.

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Your stomach: Wow thanks, man. I definitely wanted that half-burnt piece you left behind. Not any of the good pieces or anything…

You start to think about all of the better food you have in your dorm…

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But ultimately just cut your losses and pray that dessert will be good.

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Next time, just do yourself a favor and go to The Stag…



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