Food is important for every student, but when you burn over 2,000 calories, breakfast is a feast and dinner is even more of a spread. These are only a few of the struggles an athlete faces at the college dining hall according to The Hills’ Lauren Conrad.
1. When the cafeteria employee gives the person before you more eggs than you:

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There is no need to be choosy with the eggs. That person probably just got out of bed and didn’t burn 2,000 calories before 8 a.m. After a two-hour long practice, we are all looking for as much protein as we can get, and one scoop Sally isn’t cutting it.
2. When the chocolate milk runs out when your cup is only a quarter full:

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It is 7:30 a.m.—how is it that all the chocolate milk is gone already? We are here at that same time every morning. Chocolate milk is one of the safest choices at the dining hall. Just writing this is making me shed a Lauren Conrad mascara cry.
3. When you tell her you only wanted a little gravy and she gives you two scoops:

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Unlike the eggs, there is a limit of gravy, especially after a hard workout. A little is not two scoops. You fear the worst: that gravy could topple over into the pancake land.
4. When the cereal comes out too fast and gets on the floor:

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Umm…Did anyone see all of the cereal drop to the floor? Sometimes we’re just too tired to notice or care. *scurries away*
5. When the only fruit in the fruit and yogurt section is diced pineapple chunks:

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It’s hard enough that it’s the same fruit every day (usually hard cantaloupe), but instead they switch it to canned fruit?
6. When you look at the menu:

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Enough said, man. We have all been gotten a little (remember our expectations are still low for a dining hall) excited when we see what is on the menu for today. That little excitement deflates when you see what they actually have.
7. When someone takes the grilled cheese you ordered:

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That 15 minute wait is gruesome enough. What could be worse? Oh, I don’t know maybe someone cutting in front of you and taking your food. It’s not like I have earned that grilled cheese or anything.