
See Ya In A Year Providence College

As hell week comes to a close and finals week looms in the very very near future, the nostalgia of leaving Providence College for an ENTIRE YEAR has begun to really set in. Although I couldn’t be more excited to be traveling to Barcelona, Spain and Cape Town, South Africa for my junior year, there is so much about PC that I know I’m going to miss. This is also besides the fact that I have been clinically diagnosed with FOMO (fear of missing out) and barely left PC during my freshman and sophomore years. Here are some of the many things that I’m gonna miss about Providence College next year:

1. The Darty’s

If you know anything about me then you know that this is obviously the first thing that came to my mind when thinking about what I was going to miss most about PC. There’s nothing that I love more than a good ole’ fashion Providence College day party. The sun is shining (THE SUN IS SHINING), the mimosas, 96% champagne and 4% orange juice, Eaton street packed with college students, and the Providence Police riding around on horses. Oh and of course you can’t forget (or you might) the post-darty drunk Ray… SH! don’t tell Dot.

2. Free Party Pizzas from Ronzio’s

I might be alone in this but I freaking LOVE Ronzio’s party pizzas. I’m not completely sure if I actually genuinely enjoy their pizza or if it’s really just the satisfactions of eating a non-Ray meal for free. Ronzio’s, I’ll miss your face but I know you’ll be waiting for me in McPhail’s with my return to PC senior year.

Courtesy of @ronziopizza on Instagram

3. Chicken Nugget Day

Thursday aka Chicken Nugget Day aka Chugget Day is by far my favorite day of the week. I’m not sure how I’m going to get by next year without them. Here is a short farewell letter to Chugget Day:

Dear Chugget and Curly Fries,

Although the lines in Ray were often long to get you, you were always well worth the wait. You were there for me during the good times and the bad times, the sunny days and the rainy days, through the laughs and the tears. I will miss dipping you into honey mustard and ketchup. I will miss going up get seconds and sometimes thirds of you. I will miss your beauty and your charm. I’m sorry that I’m leaving you chicken nuggets and curly fries please don’t forget me while I’m gone because I will miss you and think of you often. This is not goodbye, this is see you later.

With Love Forever and Always,

Your Partner in Crime

Courtesy of @biggirlgotta_eatonstreet on Instagram

4. Global Studies

Okay, so here’s my nerdy-side coming out a little, but I also thought that I couldn’t write about what I’ll miss most about Providence College without mentioning something about the actual school work (yeah sometimes I forget I’m here to get an education too). I’m a Global Studies major and since taking my first global studies class first semester senior year it has been a huge part of my life here at PC. My global studying will continue while I’m abroad but my global studies home will be missed!

Courtesy of

5. Club Phil aka the Library

“Heard Club Phil’s gonna be lit tonight.” (haha Dad jokes…). Here comes more of my nerdy-side coming out again, but in all seriousness the library is the only place on campus that I can actually get my work done. And it’s also a great place to people watch, which is one of my many impressive hobbies. Thanks Phil for always keepin’ it quiet.

Courtesy of @clubphil_pc on Instagram

 6. Dunkin’ Donuts and the Dunkin’ Cam

Dunkin’ Donuts in Slavin has come to the rescue more times than I can count, when I’ve needed coffee and a breakfast sandwich the most. In addition, the Dunkin’ workers are probably the best squad on campus. And then there’s the Dunkin’ Cam, when I didn’t think that Dunkin’ Donuts at PC could get any better. The Dunkin’ Cam has many roles; it is the ultimate people watchers dream come (aka mine), it is great for screen-shotting your friends in-line and it saves you from being late to class when you think you want to grab a quick coffee before class. It is still unclear what I will do next year without Dunkin’ Donuts and the Dunkin’ Cam.

Courtesy of @pcgolfparty on Instagram

7. Meatballs from Slice of Life

An ode to one of my newest loves at PC: the spaghetti and meatballs from Alumni’s Slice of Life. They are low key high key AMAZING. But I must give thanks where thanks are due; it is my meatball loving roommate who actually got me hooked. Also give her Finstagram account a follow if you’re looking for a good laugh: @jennahickeyeatingmeatballs.

Courtesy of @jennahickeyeatingmeatballs on Instagram

8. The Friartown Spirit

On a very sentimental note.. I’ll miss all the students unconditional school spirit and the “Let’s Go Friars Chants!” that come with that spirit. There’s a feeling of pride that comes along with being apart of the Friar community. When I’m gone I know I will miss that feeling and all the people that have made that feeling a reality.

Maria said it best in The Sound of Music, “these are a few of my favorite things.” This list really could go on forever but had to keep it short and sweet cause I really should be getting back to my studying. PC thanks for the all mems (short for memories) these last two years, I’ll see you in a year.

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