
How to Score Free Food on Campus

We all love food. But what’s better than that? Free food! Here are a few ways to score food for free.

Photo by Travelettes

Look out for campus-sponsored events. Chances are, if they want college students to attend, they know they have to offer free food.

Request freebies. Stores like Walmart and Target have samples available all the time. Freebie Shark posts free food samples every day.

Negotiate. Mailing a package for a friend or tutoring someone in biochem? Offer to help a friend out if she repays you with free food.

Sneak into events. The key to success for this one is confidence. If it’s a crowded event, like a private frat party, you’ll probably go unnoticed. Floors of dorms often offer free food.

Coupon clip. There are a few strategies (like these and these) to save more than just $0.50.

Take advantage of your birthday. Certain restaurants give you a birthday freebie.

Photo by Moe’s