
Tips to Save Money on Stir Fry at Guelph’s Mongolian Grill

Sometimes eating on campus can get expensive, so we want to make sure you get your money’s worth. Mongolian Grill is a great place with many options in taste and flavor, here are some tips that’ll leave you with leftovers for days.

1. Pile up

Photo by Hana Dibe

If you’re like most hungry first years, then you may already be more than half way through your meal plan. For whichever bowl (lunch or dinner) you chose, getting the most for your money is all in the pile up.

Start with the veggies, preferably the larger ones like broccoli, cauliflower and beans. This will give you a strong foundation for the pile and allow the smaller ones to slide perfectly between the spaces.

2. Noodles always go last

Photo by Hana Dibe

Noodles take up the most space in the bowl, leaving you with little room for the veggies. Luckily, they stick together and will be able to fit on top of your pile without compromising room for any other ingredient.

3. Sauce

Photo by Hana Dibe

If you prefer the saucier side of things, layering the sauce between your veggies and noodles will allow it to drip down and spread the flavor through all the elements of your meal. Remember, some of the sauce will burn off once it hits the grill so if you are looking for that flavor punch don’t be shy.

If you feel like changing it up, mixing sauces and combining flavors opens up thousands of combinations.

Hint- Prairie has 20 different sauces, along with a menu containing a variety of recipes for your creation.

4. Spices

Photo by Hana Dibe

Garlic, ginger or other spices can be great additions to your stir-fry.  Keep in mind that the taste intensify with time, so a little goes a long way if you plan on taking home leftovers.

5. Meat Choice

Photo by Hana Dibe

Choosing the type of meat you want is entirely up to you, just keep in mind that according to Health Canada chicken and beef can last in the fridge for 3 – 4 days whereas shrimp can only last 1 – 2 days.

Creelman- Creelman has hard tofu, Prairie has soft. Big difference here, try them both and see which you prefer.

So get your eco-friendly take home boxes from Hospitality Services and get ready, because you have just made two meals for the price of one.

Want more stir-fry ideas, check out these related articles: