
What Your Salmo Breakfast Choice Says About You

Here at Bryant University, our food is not the most favored feature on our beautiful campus. However, I think we can all agree that breakfast is probably the best meal you will get at our only dining hall, Salmonson Gourmet. There are several options at Salmo and here is what your favorite breakfast dish says about you:

Boiled Eggs

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You’re probably coming to Salmo from the gym, or making a quick stop on your way there. Your outfit everyday consists of Nike Free Runs and zip up jackets. You are independent and enjoy challenging yourself with the goals you are constantly setting, no matter how far-fetched they may seem to others. Keep on killin’ it.  

Make-Your-Own Waffle

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You are the inspiration behind YOLO, especially if you top that badboy off with whipped cream, strawberries, or even ice cream. Let’s be real, you are basically eating dessert for breakfast because you do not give a shit that it is 9 AM. From what you eat to your outlook on life, you live by the wise words of Tom Haverford: “Treat yo self.” Props to you, mad respect.


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Clearly you do not have anywhere to be, or you are very good with time management. I think I have spent twenty minutes waiting for an omelette, but I will admit, it is kind of worth it. Options excite you, and you live for making your own choices. You most likely have your life together and future planned out since your agenda is your bible. Please teach me your ways…

Yogurt with Granola

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You are trying to be healthy because yogurt and granola sounds like you should be coming back from an intense Pilates class… but honestly, that ish is full of sugar! Stop fooling yourself and just go for the unsweetened oatmeal and banana, okay.

Bagel and Cream Cheese

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You probably cannot find anything to eat or you are too poor for dunks, #thestruggle. You may also enjoy the simple things in life. Luckily Salmo has many different kinds of bagels, even gluten free ones! Take that Dunks.

Make-Your-Own Breakfast Sandwich

Photo by Haley Rudin

Stop trying to make Salmo happen! It’s not going to happen! LOL just kidding, you are creative and trying to make your average college breakfast not as disappointing as it usually is. You’re probably a loyal follower of many food blogs, and you constantly find inspiration from cooking videos on Facebook. Oh and you definitely take pictures of your food. Everywhere. You. Go. #spoonfeed?

#SpoonTip: Use your resources! I like to get spinach and tomatoes from my salad bar, boiled eggs, bread from the gluten free section and top everything off with hot sauce. Just trust me, it’s bomb.


Photo by Molly Morein

Let’s be real, you are probably hungover AF.

Well, there you have it Bulldogs, a list of some of our favorite A.M. dishes and what they may reveal about our inner selves. Whether you’re a boiled eggs kind of guy or waffle type of gal, I think we can all agree that breakfast is our favorite meal at Salmo.

Love hearing about the dining options at Bryant? Check out these articles to hear more: